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Annabelle pov

i opened my eyes and everything felt bright and blurry.

I rubbed my eyes so they could adjust.. Once i see my surroundings i notice im in a hospital room. No one is here til i notice a familiar scent comming my way. It was Scotts, Hayley, and Dereks. I automatically lay back in bed and pretend im asleep.

"See I told you shes asleep." Scott whispered.

"I could swear i felt she woke up." Derek whispered back with a mix of confusion in his voice. But my heart clenches hearing him since what i learned.

"Look its best if we let her rest and take turns to look after her." Scott trying to be reasonable.

"Alright ill takr the first watch." Derek volunteered.

"Derek youve in this room for a month now. I think its best if Hayley does it after all shes her sister then ill take second, and you can rest while we look after her ok. Stiles and Lydia are figuring out what happened." Scott responded. Have i been asleep for a whole month? What happened to me? Ever since Kate told me about my father intentions that he was the one that caused the fire. I literally blacked out. Was that what triggered my shape shifting. That would mean im a true alpha.

Once Scott and Derek left the hospital room. I went back to sleep.

Flashes of what appears a nightmare.

I could see breaking free from chains running through some rooms. I see Kate standing there smiling evilly.

Then i wake up panting really hard. I stand up and i see Hayley standing in front of my bed. She looks happy, but tears are falling down her face.

"Ann??" She merely whispered.

I looked at her. I cocked my head a bit. I literally feel like im dreaming again.

"Hayles?" I choked. I could start feeling tears comming down my face. She jumped on the bed and hugged me tightly.

"Please tell me this isnt dream. Yell me its real." I told her.

"Of course sis its real. Derek found you in the woods. Hes been looking for you twenty four seven never giving you up. What happened to you?" She asked me.

"Hayley first i need a favor from you and everybody else."

She looked confused. "Anything."

"I dont want Derek near me please. Til i physically and emotionally ready to see him." I begged her.

I know Hayley she has to agree with me because she knows ill give her the reason.

"Ok." She agrees.

Then with that said i tell her everything. I even reveal to her what Kate showed me about the past with Derek. You see Kate not only showed me the vision of them in bed but also ithers when she was torturing me.

Derek revealed to Kate the whole reason why he hung out with me was because he was using me. Doing his homework and to get him out of trouble from his family. He would actually just use me as a whore and once hes bored toss me away.

I couldnt believe it but kate showed it to me. I cant bare look at him because my heart is being branded by conflicting wounds from him.

Here i thought he was my best friend the whole reason why i started to fall in love with him. Not just because of thr prophecy but hecause he was different. I felt safe around him. All those happy memories that i cherished throughtout my childhood.

No wonder his sister would always tell me to not let Derek get to me. She basically knew what he was doing but didnt have the heart to tell me.

The hardest thing of the revelation i pulled was about our father. She was heartbroken. She knew i wouldnt make it up or even lie to her about it. 

It took us an hour to calm ourselves. Then i hear a knock. We both turn around and see Scott. She looks at mr and i nod. I know shes going to tell scott to recruit bodyguards to protect me from Derek and from Kate.

Derek pov

I head back to the hospital. I only took a hour of sleep, because my mind was fixed on Annabelle. I went back to the woods to track down where they kept her. The way i saw her was horrendous. Her arm had third degree burns from what looked like they tied her up with silver chains dipped in wolvesbane.

Once i find out who did this they will pay. I get to the hospital and i see Scott, Stiles, and Issac sitting on the chair. It was weird why is Stiles and Issac here.

"Hey any progress." I asked Scott.

Scott stared on the floor trying really hard not sraring at me. He stands up and looks at me. "She woke up, but she doesnt want to see you right now. She has her reasons but right now she woke up and shes tired." Scott us holding back on something.

There's something im missing here why would Annabelle not my presence be known?

"Scott i need to see her. Please i want to know why she doesnt want to see me? I have my right to see her." I looked at him dead in face.

"Derek lets talk outside." Scott sounding calmly.

We walk outside and it was just Scott and I.

"Talk." I demanded.

"Derek just respect her wishes alright."

He looked like he doesnt want any fight. I know hes only respecting his cousins wishes. There has to be real reason why?

"Why tell me?" I egged him on.

Scott took a huge breath and looked at ms. His face said it all. It was pure hurt and pain.

"Kate took hostage of her. Shes back from beyound the grave and she revealed everything to her. Espevia the part where you told her you were using Annabelle. Your little skeem." He revealed.

No. She knows about my childish skeem. I felt bad that i was that type of person back then. My face only showed one emotion pain.

"Derek answer me this? Why would you do that Annabelle? Someone who loved you so much. I mean no wonder why she hated you in the begining when she came back. I would never understand til now. I mean imagine man you had great childhood memories until you really find out behind the curtains."

"I was a selfish person Scott. I didnt care about anybody til i lost my family that day in the fire. I regret my poor choices and decisions. Thats why im here not to make it up to her but to prove to her im still. To show ger ive changed. I deserve a chance." I could tell im starting to choke up even though it sounds cliche for a man but i didnt care.

"You had a chance to tell her first before someone else like Kate. Look just leave okay. Ill figure something out ok." Scott left and went inside.

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