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Sunday, June 18th, 1989

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Sunday, June 18th, 1989

     "It came, I know it! I-I need them, please, come help! Hol-" said a voice frantically over the phone. Holly was confused for a second, before realizing who it was.

"Bev! Beverly! Speak slower, I can't understand you." replied Holly. The darker haired girl heard the redhead take a deep breath on the other end. "Holly, I think I got my, my you-know-what." said Beverly. "Your what now?" Holly asked. "My, y'know, per-" Beverly whispered. "Oh! Oh, I understand." Holly said, cutting Beverly off.

      "Well, what did you do about it?" asked Holly. "I just used paper towels." replied Bev. "Jesus, Bev." Holly chuckled. "Alright, me and my cousin will be there in ten and we'll go to Keene's. Okay?" said Holly, trying to reassure the frantic Beverly. "Yeah, okay. Yeah, we'll do that." said Beverly. Holly giggled. "How'd you get my number?" Holly asked. "Huh?" answered Beverly, confused. "How'd you find my number?" Holly asked once more. "Easy. You're in the phone book." Bev answered. Holly laughed.

"Cass! Hey, Cassie!" yelled Holly, running down the stairs. "What? Are you okay?" Cassandra asked from the kitchen. "Yeah. I'm fine, but can we run to my fried Beverly's house? She got her you-know-what." Holly replied. Cassie's eyes widened. "Yeah, sure. We'll go now. Grab Mandy's shoes, would you?" Holly nodded and ran to grab Mandy's sneakers.

     "Neekies!" Mandy said, making grabby hands towards her shoes. Holly laughed and bent down to put the shoes onto the small girl's feet. Mandy kept pushing her feet away, whining that she wanted to put her own shoes on. Holly sighed as Cassie's put her daughter's hair into a ponytail.

"Amanda Rhiannon, let Aunt Holly put on your shoes now." Cassie demanded. Holly glanced at Cassandra. "Her middle name's Rhiannon?" "Yeah, after the Fleetwood Mac song. You didn't know that?" Cassie replied. "That's one of my favorite songs." said Holly after shaking her head. "I know." Cassie exclaimed, smiling.

     "Shit, I've got to go get dressed." Holly ran upstairs and threw on a black tank top with light washed denim shorts. She let her hair go natural and put on her signature red lipstick, throwing on some sunglasses. Throwing on a pair of socks and a neon green bracelet, she ran down stairs and slid into her shoes.

"Alright, let's go." The three girls walked out the door and Holly put her god-daughter into her car-seat. They drove to Lower Main Street, Beverly lived in a small apartment complex on the road.

     The two girls and the toddler rushed up the stairs where Beverly was waiting. Bev was dressed in a red top and shorts that cut off at her knees, her long red hair pulled back in a ponytail. She paced nervously on the small platform.

"Hey, I'm Beverly. Nice to meet you." said Bev, holding her hand out to Cassandra. "I'm Cass, and this is my daughter Mandy. Say hi to Beverly, Mandy!" said Cassie. Mandy waved slightly. "C'mon, let's go to the pharmacy." Holly said.

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