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                                                                     Saturday, September 2nd, 1989

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                                                                     Saturday, September 2nd, 1989

     "Oh my god, you look gorgeous."

     Cassandra Stewart was stunned at how pretty her younger cousin, Holly Taylor, was dressed. Holly, who was wearing a sunshine yellow short-sleeve dress and white flats, paired with a matching clutch. Her eyelids were dusting gold, her long almost-brown hair curled. The girl had opted for a lighter-lip color tonight instead of her usual bold red. 

     "You think so?" asked Holly. She was unsure of how she felt. Holly felt out of place, like she shouldn't be wearing this outfit. She was more of a ripped jeans and Converse kind-of-girl, a black tee to match. "I'm sure. Richie's gonna be swept off his feet tonight." Cassie replied with a smirk.

     Holly laughed, a real laugh, for what felt like to first time in forever. "You ready?" asked Cassandra, smiling. Holly nodded. Cassie grabbed Mandy from the next room, the three of them walking out the door. Holly was beyond nervous at what Richie was going to say, what if he didn't like how she looked?

     Richie. His name made her heart flutter. Holly never thought she would feel that way, especially about him, but she loved Richie. And this might be the last time she saw him. It hurt Holly not to tell her friends that she was moving, that she was leaving, but in her fourteen-year-old mind, it was the only thing to do. 

      They arrived to Bassey Park quickly, where the dance would take place. Almost all students who attended Derry High would go, except for last year's seniors. Holly was upset that the rest of the Losers wouldn't go, but she couldn't do anything about it. Richie had asked her to go a week before.

     Cassie parked her blue Volkswagen outside of the large tent, smiling at Holly who sat in the passenger's side. "You look beautiful. Have fun tonight, I'll pick you up at nine." said Cass. "That's only an hour!" pouted Holly. Cassie laughed, then said "Kidding. Ten o'clock, we'll drop Richie off, too." Holly nodded, giving her cousin a hug and hopped out the door.

      Holly wished that Beverly could've been there, walking beside her. But the girl was already in Portland, maybe unpacking. Bev had called Holly the morning after she left, saying that she missed Derry already. Holly wanted to cry even more, but wouldn't. She told Beverly that the dance was tonight, and her and Richie were going. Beverly was ecstatic for them.

     Holly walked through the open door, spotting Richie quickly. He was talking to another boy from their school, a junior come Tuesday. She walked towards him, his attention elsewhere. He sipped a cup of red punch, which was most likely spiked. The junior waved towards Richie and walked away. "Hi, Richie." said Holly, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

     Richie was shocked. Holly looked beautiful. Her hair flowed down to her waist, stopping at the white belt that was perched above her hips. The rose necklace she always wore gleamed in the lights, and her chocolate eyes popped with the gold dust above them.

      "Hey, b-babe." stuttered Richie, looking at the girl who stood before him. Holly chuckled. "Stuttering now, are we?" she asked, smirking. "It's just..." Richie trailed off. "Just what?" Holly replied nervously. "You-you look beautiful." said Richie. Holly blushed. A new song played over the speakers, which happened to be Holly and Richie's favorite song. 

     "Rhiannon." whispered Holly. "Wanna dance?" asked Richie, throwing his cup in the trash. Holly nodded. "Just so you know, I don't really know how to dance." Richie mumbled as the pair walked towards the floor. "I'll teach you." Holly said. Holly put her hands on Richie's shoulders, his on her waist. The pair swayed, and surprisingly Richie wasn't horrible.

     "This summer was amazing, Richie." said Holly. "It was. I'm gonna miss it." he replied. holly felt tears come to her eyes. She wanted to say it all, to say she was leaving, to say she wasn't coming back. She wanted to blurt out that she'd miss him, she's miss her friends, and miss Derry. But when you're upset and angry and confused and a young girl, you kept your mouth shut. At least in Holly's case.

      "This school year's gonna be fun, thought. I hope we have classes, than I can show off my hot girlfriend." said Richie with a smirk. Holly giggled. "Me, too." The pair swayed for the remainder of the song, and then some more. Holly pulled Richie through the back door of the tent, out into the park. They sat on the bench were all the Losers had sat only two months before, talking about whatever they wanted to.

     Holly and Richie shared a cigarette. "Are you coming by tonight?" she asked, taking the white stick from him. Richie snorted. "When do I not?" Holly laughed at his answer. "I'm glad you do. Even though my sleeping schedule is all fucked up, I'm glad you come." she said. "I think i would go insane if I didn't see you every night." Richie replied. Holly chuckled.

     Then she gulped. "Don't come on Monday night, though." she said quietly. "Why?" Richie asked, confused. Holly froze for a second, thinking of an answer. "Because, silly." she replied, chuckling nervously. "School starts on Tuesday. We should get a good night's sleep." explained Holly. Richie pouted playfully, then slung an arm around his girlfriend.

      Holly kissed him on the lips, taking him by surprise. He didn't hesitate, and kissed her back hard. Holly pulled away, blushing. "What was that for?" Richie questioned, fixing his glasses. "'Cause you're my boyfriend." she said, shrugging. He laughed. "Thanks, Richie." Holly said, leaning her head on his shoulder. 

     "For what?" he replied. "For the best summer of my life." said Holly. Richie smiled. The pair danced for a bit longer, and then Cassie picked them up. Richie was invited to stay the night, which he happily excepted. Holly gave him some clothes he had left there over the summer. The pair stayed up until two in the morning, talking about God-knows-what. 

     Holly knew that it would be their last sleepover, maybe forever. Richie was having the time of his life, happy to be with his girlfriend before they started their sophomore year. If only he knew that the girl he loved would be leaving at ten at night in three days, maybe he would be acting differently.

     Holly thought it was for the best.

    But she was oh-so wrong.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ probably not gonna finish by tomorrow:( but the ending will leave you shook. please vote, comment and follow!


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