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                                                                     Sunday, September 3rd, 1989

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                                                                     Sunday, September 3rd, 1989

      "Okay, I'll be back later. Brooke's gonna come for dinner." said Cassie.

      "Got it. Richie might swing by. Is that okay?" Holly asked.

      "Sure. Tell him he can eat here, too. Love you!" replied Cass, closing the door behind her with Mandy in her arms.

     Holly walked back up the stairs, changing into a black tee and white overalls. She swiped her favorite lipstick across her lips, smacking them together. Glancing at her pretty bare room, she stepped over to the telephone. The only thing left in her bedroom was her furniture, her cork-board beside her bed, and a picture of her and Richie taken in July. Only a bit of make-up littered her dresser, everything else she owned was packed away in boxes in her closet.

      Holly knew she had to tell Richie, but she didn't know how. He would know something was up when he showed up at her house tonight and saw how empty her room was. Cassie was already cleaning out the refrigerator, and packing her and Mandy's things away. Of course, everything downstairs was going to stay the same, there was no reason to take any of it.

     Cass, for some odd reason, wanted to keep the house. She said they would have it in case anything happened in New York. Holly suggested renting it out to someone, but since the house was under Cassandra's name now, she decided to flew back a few times a year to check on it. Her plan was to move back out here when Mandy started middle school, which Holly thought was insane because Ninth Street was a wacky building.

     Even though Holly though Cass was crazy, she just agreed with the girl and moved. Cassie though Holly had told all her friends that she was moving, and had agreed not to bring it up around them because they would get upset. Holly knew she shouldn't be lying, but it was the only way for her friends not to know.

     Holly, taking a shaky breath, was about to dial Richie's number when she heard a knock at her window. Perched on the window-sill was her boyfriend, Richie Tozier, hands cramped on the glass frame with black backpack in tow. He pulled one hand away to wave at her. Holly put the phone down, walking towards the window. She quickly unlocked and opened it, Richie swinging in a second later.

      "Hey, babe. Miss me?" Richie asked cockily, leaning forward for a kiss. Holly kissed the corner of his mouth, laughing when he frowned. "I did, for your information. What's up?" replied Holly, flopping herself on the bed. "What, I can't come and see my favorite girlfriend?" Richie exclaimed, flashing a goofy smile. "Favorite girlfriend?" inquired Holly, leaning forward with a hand on her chin. "My very favorite." he replied. Holly laughed.

     "What's up with the empty room?" Richie asked, looking around. Holly gulped. "Oh, y'know. Redecorating. I just kept some stuff out." she replied nervously, looking at him. Richie nodded, looking at the picture of them on her nightstand. It was taken on the fourth of July, his arm slung around her shoulders as Holly licked an ice-cream cone. Happier days.

     "What are you doing?" she asked as Richie started walking towards the record player. "One second." he replied, pulling a record out from his bag. Richie turned the vinyl towards his girlfriend, making her give him a slight smile. "Really, Richie? Where'd you even find this?" asked Holly, walking towards him. "My parent's room." shrugged Richie, putting it on the player. Placing the needle on the disc, I Remember You by Skid Row started blaring from the speakers.

      "So, Holly." said Richie, very serious. Holly gulped. Was he going to break up with her? No, he wouldn't. All thoughts of telling him that she was moving washed away, Holly was too nervous now. "I just wanna say thank you. You make me laugh everyday, make me smile, and I'm so lucky to have you in my life. I'm beyond thankful for the nights we share." started the boy, pushing his glasses up his nose. Holly blushed, where was he going with this?

     "You're the best girlfriend ever, my best friend. I can't believe you ever agreed to go out with me, I'm so lucky. Thank you for giving me everything. I'm sorry for all the times I've hurt you, I regret it so much. I know I'm not the best guy, and I push you away, but thank you for sticking with me." he said. Holly started to tear up, Richie was beyond sweet. She was surprised, he wasn't like this.

     "You're so beautiful, funny, kind, hard-working, and everything in between. When I hear your name, I get butterflies. Yes, Holly. Butterflies. Crazy, right? Looking at you makes my heart skip a beat, and I wanna be with you every second of the day. This summer had been absolutely amazing, and... thank you. Holly, you might not feel the same way but I've never felt  this way about anyone before. Holly." he said. Richie took a deep breath, closing his eyes and then looking his girlfriend in the eyes.

     "I love you." 

     Holly felt tears drip from her eyes. She couldn't believe he felt the same way. Richie Tozier, telling Holly Taylor that he loved her. She went to open her mouth in reply, but he pulled a small box out from his pocket. Holly almost froze. Was Richie going to propose? No, he couldn't. They were only thirteen and fourteen. 

     "And to show my love, I got this for you." Opening the box, a small gold band shone. A small emerald, Holly's birthstone, was placed in the center, along with and 'R' and an 'H' engraved on either sides of the jewel. Holly's hands flew up to her mouth. She was beyond shocked to see the ring. "Do you like it?" Richie asked quietly, waiting for Holly's answer.

     "Richie, oh my God. I love it. And I love you." she said, throwing herself forward. She threw her arms around his neck, tears flowing down her face. She could hear Richie chuckle. "I'm glad. Give me your hand." instructed Richie. Holly put her hand in front of him, and he slid the ring on. It fit like a glove. Holly looked back up at him. "It's a promise ring. A promise that no matter how lost we get, we'll always find our way back to each other." he said.

     "Thank you, Richie." she said, hugging him once more. When she pulled away, Holly kissed the boy on the mouth, and felt him smile. The pair listened to the rest of the song, admiring the new ring and their confessed love. The thought of her moving to the Big Apple felt distant, even though it would be in two days. Even though they were young, Holly felt that this could last forever.

     But it was her fault that it wouldn't.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ i am mclovin #rolly. even though i'm mad at holly for not telling richie and the losers. i said it before and i'll say it again, the ending will leave you shooketh. y'all aren't ready. please vote, comment, and follow!


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