wow. one year!

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sorry y'all i know this is a couple days late but wow. it's been one whole year since i've wrote this book.
that's actually insane to me.

i remember sitting in my room, listening to my hello kitty radio and typing this book, going back and forth to watch scenes on youtube from IT to make sure i got every single word right.

i remember racking my brain to find names i loved to name my characters. pamela took me forever, as did mandy. sue took me a min, and cass took me a little bit.

but it was holly from the start. holly taylor and richie tozier from the very start. i had her name before the plot for the book.

i remember completely immersing myself into the world of IT and not wanting to ever leave. i was completely and utterly obsessed with the movie and the cast and all i wanted to was to know them and be friends with them.

looking back, that's really creepy.

but i was pulling myself from reality and acting like i really was going to be friends with them. it was a sort of coping mechanism for me. but i need to stop that and move on.

living isn't living on a screen. i need to seize the moment and live with my friends and family, not with the idea of friends.

i will still be publishing the sequel, but it will be my last IT book (most likely). focusing on myself is more important, because i haven't even been myslef for the past year.

it's honestly been hard.

but enough of that. i want to say thank you.

thank you for my consistent updates at first, helping me with it all, helping me through plots, motivating me through your comments and votes, and thank you to everyone who's read this book ( and this long as chapter.) a special shoutout to queenbeast123 who's helped me with many plots.

you're my MVP's.

i love you all. new chapter soon.

xoxo, m.

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