❀ Chapter 3 - Allies

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After 100 years, you have found your chance to use your Shadow God Slaying magic.

   You spread your feet and arms, take a deep breath in, then you release a massive stream of shadow towards Ultear while saying, "Shadow God Roar!!"

   The shadow from your roar takes a solid form, it hits Ultear and her surroundings with great force, breaking the ground around and under her.


"(Y/n).. That was incredible." Zeref smiled.

You fell to your knees, panting.

"(Y/n)! Are you alright?!" Zeref ran by your side and wrapped his arms around your shoulders.

"I haven't practiced my Shadow God Slaying magic in 100 years.." You managed to say. "I shouldn't have done a big attack like that." You laughed a little.


"Lord Zeref will come with me!!" Ultear knocked you out.


   Ultear had Zeref's arm around her shoulder while she dragged him. She smiled as she leaned Zeref against a tree and sat beside him. "You belong to me.. Lord Zeref." She blushes as Zeref's head lies on her shoulder.


   Natsu looked up at Ultear as she stood up on a tree branch. "Be careful Natsu!" The blue cat warns his friend.

   "I know that!" Natsu says, irritated.

   "You haven't gotten a single hit in yet!"

   "Yes. I. Know. That!" Natsu clenched his jaw.

   "You're not taking Lord Zeref from me! Lord Zeref is mine!" Ultear blasts Natsu with her Lost Magic.

   "Zeref is his own person, no one owns him, that includes you missy." You say as you reflect Ultear's magic. "Zeref is a free man." You give Ultear a death stare. "Shadow God Tartarus." You murmered.

   You extend Ultear's shadows underneath her feet. Doing so, you create arm-shaped shadows that latch onto Ultear's arms and legs, restricting her movements. Ultear struggled to escape your grasp.

   "Shadow God..?" Natsu looked at you. "You're like that guy from earlier."

   You ignored the Fire Dragon Slayer and kept your focus on Ultear. "You better be glad you didn't hurt him. Or else you would've died." You rolled your hands into tight fists. You doing this causes the shadows holding onto Ultear's arms and legs tighten and start to burn her skin. The burning comes from your anger.

   "Ouch! Why is this burning me!?" Ultear tried to use her magic to escape.

   "That won't work, idiot." You growl. "As long as my Shadow God's Tartarus has you in its grasp, you won't be able to use any of you magic."

   "(Y/n).." Zeref mumbles. You keep focusing on Ultear but acknowledge Zeref. "(Y/n), I'm okay, please don't kill her. I can't stand more people dying.." Zeref frowns.

   You stare at the ground as you release Ultear from your Shadow God Tararus and heard her fall to the ground.

   "(Y/n), let's just leave, maybe we can lead Grimoire Heart away from Fairy Tail." Zeref stood up. "I don't want another war to start.."

   "Alright." You walk over to Zeref and smile.

   "Wait!" Natsu says before Zeref and you walk away. "If you're Zeref, aren't you supposed to be evil and all?"

   Zeref turned around and looked at Natsu. "I don't think so.." Zeref frowned. "Besides, now I just want to protect someone.." Zeref looked at you. "Now if you don't mind, we'll be taking our  leave."

   "Thanks.." Natsu mumbled. 'I guess he isn't that bad as the rumors make him out to be..'


   Zancrow held Zeref. "Stupid Meredy. You are very stupid if you think you're gonna steal Zeref from Grimoire Heart, you betrayer!"

   "Don't do this Zancrow, please! You'll take Ultear's future away!" The pink hair child cried.

   You opened you eyes and tried to stand up. "L-Let go of him.." The grass around you shriveled up and died. Meredy looked at you and her tiny body shook from fear. "Let go of him now!" You yelled at Fire God Slayer.

   "Why would I do that, he doesn't belong to you!" Zancrow laughed. The Fire God slayer set your body on fire. "It's nice to meet a fellow God Slayer, but you're an enemy to me, so I gotta kill ya."

   The black flames burned your body. You screamed loudly. "ST-STOP PLEASE!!!" You screamed from the horrible pain.

   "WHY WOULD I?! AHAHAHA!!" Zancrow laughed insanely.

   The blonde haired freak walked over to you and kicked you in the stomach, causing you to wince. "Weakling!" He put his foot on your face and stomped on you. He continued to torture you until you passed out.

"Ac...nologia.." Zeref mumbled.

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