❀Chapter 6 - 7 Years

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"And remember when Acnologia came and almost killed them?"

"Almost..?" I gasp. "You don't mean.."

"They're alive."


My eyes started to tear up. They were alive, but how? "Zeref.. c-can we see them?"

"Not now, we will later."

I wrapped my arms around him and smiled. What I did next surprised me more than him. I kissed his cheek, causing the both of us to blush. "O-Oh, I'm sorry. I just, uh, got caught up in the moment.. Heh." I looked away, avoiding any eye contact.

"It's okay.." Zeref awkwardly smiled. "We should hang out today."

"Don't you have meetings you need to attend to?" I tilt my head to the right slightly.

"Those can wait, you're more important."

I felt my cheeks get hot. "What should we do then?" I ask.

   "We can go out into the town and have a nice picnic and whatnot."

   "Okay." I smile. "I'll get ready then after, we can leave."

   "Alright." Zeref smiled at me then left the room. After he left, I went to my walk-in closet and decided what to wear. I decided to wear something comfortable but also cute. It was a dark blue off the shoulder sweater that was large, it stopped right below my butt, some black skin-tight leggings and knee high brown boots. For my hair I just put it in a messy bun.

   (If you want makeup on you can have it on, but if not, that's okay too)

   I walked out my room and went to Zeref. "Okay, I'm ready."

   "You look pretty." Zeref looked at me, his cheeks turning a light pink.

   "Thanks Ze-I mean-Spriggan."

   "Nice save." Zeref mumbled loud enough for only me to hear. "Now, follow me. I know a perfect place where we can have our picnic."


   When Zeref said perfect, he wasn't kidding.. This hidden meadow was beautiful! It was hidden behind a waterfall, Zeref knew there was a small crevice between the waterfall and the rock wall, so he went exploring one day and found this. Now he's decided to take me here on a picnic!

   "It's so pretty!" I say.


   I set the picnic basket down and go explore, this hidden meadow was huge! It was big enough because there was a river in the middle of it. It was deep enough to go swimming.

   I walk over to the river and stare at the sparkling water. It was peaceful here. The birds sung beautiful songs, the fish swam happily around in the water, and the butterflies flew around with their friends and families. Everything was, happy.. Everything was perfect.

   I took a deep breath and took my boots off. I pulled up my leggings and stuck my feet in the water. The water felt wonderful. It was warm but yet cold. The little fish swam around my feet and tickled me with their soft fins.

   I started giggling at their behavior towards my feet. The little fish kept playing with my feet.

   "(Y/n), are you having a good time?" Zeref came up behind me.

   "Yeah, the fish were just making me laugh." I look at him.

   "Is that so?" Zeref sat next to me. He looked at the fish and smiled.

   "I want to see them soon.." I frown.

   "I know you do, and I do too. But now's not the time (Y/n).." Zeref sighs.

   "Then when?" I look at him, slightly annoyed.

   "After the Neo Oracion Seis incident is done."

   "Neo Oracion Seis?" I tilt my head. "I thought the Oracion Seis were captured 7 years ago?"

   "Guess not, anyways.." Zeref looked away. "Should we go eat now?"

   I looked at the water. Neo Oracion Seis.. Fairy Tail and them are fighting? But why?

   Something snaps me out from my thoughts, a bright light nearly blinds me. "What is that?" I point to the direction it came from.

   "What is what?" Zeref questioned. I stood up and walked towards it. "Be careful (Y/n)."

   I stop walking and lean down and pick up two gems. I stand back up and hold them in my hands. "These are pretty.." I mumble.

   I walk back to Zeref and show him the gems. "What did you find (Y/n)?"

   "These gems.. they're shaped like hearts kinda.."

   "Pretty, maybe we can make them into necklaces." Zeref took both gems and walked back to our picnic basket. He opened it up and got string.

   "Why do you have string..?"

   Zeref shrugged.

He took the string then the gems and tied the string into a cute pattern around the gems. Once he was done, he put the necklace that he made on me then put the second necklace on himself.

"Pretty.." I looked at the necklace that was placed around my neck.

"Pretty like you." Zeref smiled. "Wait, no, you're not pretty." What..? Why was Zeref being rude all of a sudden?! "You're beautiful." Zeref looked at me.

Zeref placed his hands on my cheeks while I wrapped my around around his neck. I could feel his breath on my face, it was warm, like the water. His eyes studied mine. Our lips were cclose to touching. We leaned in closer until..

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