❀ Chapter 7 - Jewels from the River

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(This chapter includes spoilers from the manga.)

   Zeref placed his hands on my cheeks while I wrapped my around around his neck. I could feel his breath on my face, it was warm, like the water. His eyes studied mine. Our lips were cclose to touching. We leaned in closer until..


   Zeref pushed me away.

   I stared at him. "W-What's the matter..?"

   "If we kiss, you'll die."

   "What? B-But I thought I couldn't die. And neither could you!" I shook my head.

   "Not true.. we can hug and hold hands, but not kiss.. Last time I kissed a girl that had the same curse, I took her life away." Zeref frowned.

   A girl? Zeref had feelings for another person before me..

   "Can you tell me about her?" I mumbled. Yes, I was jealous of her, but I needed to comfort Zeref. He needed to talk.

   "She was Fairy Tail's first master, Mavis Vermillion, she was 13. Since she had the curse she stopped aging, years passed and we met once again. I told her who I was and she still accepted me, like how you did. Once I told her about the curse she had, she ran away, upset." Zeref paused. "A year passed and I had found her hiding in a cave. We talked and I realized that I had feelings for her," Zeref looked up at me. "Sorry."

   "No need to apologize." I smiled at him.

   "She also loved me, we kissed and.."

   My eyes widen, did they.. do it?

   "After we kissed, I held her lifeless body in my arms. I had saw the meaning of life, and I killed Mavis thanks to my stupidity!" Zeref started crying.

   I hugged Zeref. "Mavis Vermillion was a lucky girl. She met you and loved you. She doesn't blame you for her death. I just know it."

   "That's why.. I can't kiss you. I love you too much to lose you too.." Zeref hugged me.

   I never had my first kiss, and I wanted Zeref to be it, I wanted my first kiss to be perfect, this place was perfect.. Zeref was perfect. When I'm around him I feeling, perfect. Everything around me is perfect when I'm with him.

   I looked at Zeref and decided to do something crazy, and stupid. I placed my lips on his.

   His eyes widen. Then, once he realized I was okay, he kissed me back. Our mouths moved in perfect sync and it seemed that Zeref knew what he was doing. I followed his lead because I had no idea how to kiss, but the way his lips moved against his made me melt into the kiss.


   Zeref looked at the river while I played with my necklace. "How did you survive the kiss? I thought you would die if I kissed you." Zeref looked at me.

   Just then, the gems from our necklaces glowed. "I think.." My eyes widened slightly. "The gems are protecting us from each other."

   "Of course, how did I not realize sooner?!" Zeref stood up.


   "The Jewels from the River are protection from the Ankhseram Curse." Zeref grabbed his necklace. "We must keep these on at all times, so that we can.." Zeref stopped and turned redder than a tomato.

   "So that we can kiss and do other things whenever we'd like?" I finished his sentence.


   I stood up and walked over to Zeref. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head in the crook of his neck. "I love you."

   "I love you too, (Y/n)."

Ankhseram Curse (Zeref x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now