❀ Chapter 8 - Grand Magic Games

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(Y/a) = Your Age


I stood up and walked over to Zeref. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head in the crook of his neck. "I love you."

"I love you too, (Y/n)."


Three months passed and Zeref and I started dating. Everyone in Alvarez knew about our relationship. Whenever I went into town alone, everyone would respect me more, before Zeref and I were dating, no one in Alvarez treated me with that much respect.

   I guess dating the Emperor has its perks.

   "(Y/n), you need to get ready." Zeref knocks on my door. "We'll be leaving soon."

   For some reason, Zeref wanted us to go somewhere. I quickly put on my boots and ran out the room. "I'm ready, I'm ready. Chill."

   "Alright, let's go."


   Zeref changed his appearance after we got off the boat, we were now in Crocus. Zeref's appearance changed into an 19 year old looking man with blonde hair and green eyes. I decided to keep my appearance the same.

   "Ever heard of the Grand Magic Games?" Zeref tilts his head at me.

   "Heard about it these past years. Never went to it." I say.

"Well, we're going to this year's Games."

"Really!?" I squeal from excitement. Zeref nodded. "You're the best!" I hugged him tightly. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome."


I sat on the bed and pulled my boots off. The games didn't start until tomorrow so we had plenty of time to relax.

"Getting comfy?" Zeref sat by me, there was only one bed but Zeref volunteered to sleep on the floor, of course I protested.

"A little, but I'm a little homesick.." I smile sweetly.

"It's okay, you'll get used to this hotel room in no time. But for now," Zeref pulled me on top of him as he started to lay down. "Let's just cuddle."

I nodded and looked at him. I ran my fingers through his, once black, hair. "Whatcha doing?"

"Brushing your hair." I mumble.

"You're cute when you care for me."

"I thought I was always cute."

"That too." Zeref smiled at me.


When the sun started to set, I decided to go walk around and explore Crocus, I wanted to go alone, but Zeref protested and came with.

I saw a familiar face. He was on the ground and a blonde spiky haired man looked down at him. There was also another man, dark black hair and he wore some grey and black clothes. There were three cats, one dressed in a frog costume, one in a vest. And one cat was... No way.

'It's them..' I thought to myself.

Since there was a crowd surrounding them, I gently pushed my way through. "Listen here, Sabertooth is the best Guild in Fiore, you Fairy Tail losers can't beat us." The blonde spikey haired man got in the pink haired's face. "Don't ever think you can beat us."

And with that, the blonde and the black haired men left, the two cats followed.

"Natsu.." Zeref mumbles.

Natsu stands up and looks at me. He immediately remembers who I am. "It's you!"

I put my finger to my lips, shushing him.

Lucy looks at me, she's here too.. Are they all here?!

"(Y/n), let's go.." Zeref tugged on my shirt. I shook my head no in response. I had to talk to them.

Natsu walked towards me and pulled my arm, he then dragged me to Team Fairy Tail's inn.


"If you're Zeref's friend, why did you help us 7 years ago?" Erza questioned.

"Zeref isn't a bad guy.. remember, he and I share the same curse." I remind them. Frightened, they take a step back. "You have no reason to fear me, thanks to this necklace," I pause as I hold up the necklace around my neck. "My curse will be kept at bay."

"That's good.." Wendy sighed. "You're pretty nice for a person who hangs out with the scariest mage of all time.."

I smiled then frowned. People see Zeref as a frightening person, no wonder why he's so lonely. His curse doesn't make it any better..

Gray looked at me. "How old are you?"

"I'm 3(y/a) years old."

"You use Shadow God Slayer magic, correct?" Natsu asks.


Gray's eyes widen. Natsu smirked, Erza's mouth hung open. Lucy's expression was the same as Gray's. While Wendy, well, she was just shocked.

"Why are you all looking at me like that?" I asked.

"She's like Rogue!" Natsu shouted. "If she joins the team, she can fight Rogue, we'd win!"

"Flame Brain, she needs to join the Guild, and she might not be able to fight Rogue, the fights are chosen randomly!" Gray rolled his eyes.

"But the announcer might want the Shadow God Slayer and Shadow Dragon Slayer to fight?" Wendy spoke up.

I don't care what they say, I can't fight. I'm not fighting again, I haven't even trained! "No!" I blurted out. "I can't participate, I'm sorry.."

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