❀ Chapter 12 - Meeting Mavis

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(R/l) = Right or Left
(B/p) = Body Part
(G/m/l) = Guild Mark Location


   I can't believe it, me joining Fairy Tail. Wow..


I decided to get my Guild mark on my (r/l) (b/p) in the colour (f/c). Zeref pointed to my (g/m/l). "How does it feel?" He mumbled.

"It feels quite nice, to be honest." I smiled.

"Yay Fairy Tail!" I heard a voice say. I looked beside Makarov and there she was. The First Master..

She looked young, like 12 or 13. Probably 13. She had long pale blonde hair. It stopped at her feet. Her hair was wavy, she had these angel-like wings on the sides of her head. She wore a long wavy dress that was pink. She wore no shoes.

"Uh.." Was all I could say.

She looked at me and smiled. "So you're a new member! Welcome to Fairy Tail, you'll love it!"

Her voice was so gentle, so kind, so caring. Her eyes were a forest green, her eyes were the kind you can look into and feel like you're weightless. No wonder Zeref fell for her.

   Mavis looked over at Zeref and her eyes widened. "Zeref.." she mumbled.

   How did she know?! Zeref changed all of his features! I mean, his eyes looked the same, and his smile. His voice was the same too.. Maybe Mavis heard him talk?

Mavis grabbed my wrist and led me to a different room. "Why is Zeref with you?!"

"He-He's my boyfriend." I said. "We both share the same curse." I explained while looking at the ground.

"You have the same curse as us?" Mavis had shock in her forest green eyes.

I simply nodded.

She hugged me and frowned. "How are you even here? When I had it, I couldn't control it. I ran away from everyone when Zeref told me I had the Ankhseram curse."

"I ran away too, but Zeref and I have these necklaces that keep out Curse from killing everyone around us. Even each other."

"So you and him k-kiss?" Mavis looked at me. I could tell she had a little bit of sadness mixed in with jealously in her eyes.

"Y-Yeah.. I know about his and your past..together.."

Mavis turned red. "W-Well I uh.. maybe.. Well. He, but I." Mavis played with her fingers nervously and looks at her hands.

Should I tell her about her son? I don't know.. she may freak, but what if she knows? Zeref doesn't know either, but August told me. He told me about his mother and father. Larcade calls Zeref his father, Zeref explained to me that Larcade is a failed demon. But his last name is Dragneel because Zeref tried to revive Natsu but got Larcade instead. That's why he's a failed demon.

August on the other hand.. He is the son of Zeref and Mavis. I know that for a fact thanks to August's immense Magic Power. His Magic Power lets him remember things from his newborn days, like when a man birthed him and abandoned him.

August and I are great friends, and Larcade is my friend too. All of the 12 are my friends. My best friends out of the 12 are Brandish, Dimaria, August, Larcade and Irene.

Anyways I'm getting off track. But seriously, should I tell Mavis about August?! What would August do..?

"It was nice meeting you, Mavis." I smiled at her.

"No, no, no, no, no. We still need to chat!" Mavis smiled.

   I thought she would be upset once she found out Zeref and I are dating, guess not.

   "Okay." I nod.


   Sorry these last 3 chapters were short, I had to rush because. I always do things last minute. I didn't rlly plan anything so I just wrote and wrote and wrote. Also I'm not sure if the 12 were assembled during the Grand Magic Games, but if not. WELL THEY ARE IN MY STORY LMFAO 😂😂

   Anyways, thanks for reading. Next chapter is differently planned: Girls Day!

   Can you guess what its about?

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