❀ Chapter 11 - Goddesses are No Monsters

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The Gods gave her to one specific God, he punished her with his curse.

The Ankhseram Curse.


   I finished telling my story and started crying. Zeref wrapped his arms around me and sighed. "It'll be okay (Y/n).."

   I rested my head on his shoulder. "I'm not only a Shadow God Slayer, but I'm also a Goddess.." I frowned thinking of my past once again. I can't believe I killed her. My own mother. Why did I think she was a monster?! Goddesses are no monsters, I learned that when I was cursed. But the only monster who's a Goddess, is me..


I debated whether or not if I should join the Fairy Tail Guild for a little bit. I'd like to see their First Master, but then I don't..

Join Fairy Tail! It'll be fun! Even if it's for a little bit.

Don't join Fairy Tail, if you see Mavis, I'll get jealous. But, she's dead.. She can't steal Zeref away from me.. What am I even saying?! Zeref loves me. He said he'll choose me. No matter what.

Ugh, why are choices so hard? These types of decisions are too tough to chose one. Fairy Tail, or no Fairy Tail? It wouldn't matter if I joined or not, I'd leave the Guild as soon as the Grand Magic Games would be over.. Ah, to hell with it! I'm joining! It could be fun!

"Excuse me, Mr. Makarov?" I spoke up.

"No need to be formal, (Y/n) my dear." Makarov looks at me and smiles.

"W-Well.. I was thinking about what Natsu said last night."

"And that is?" He tilts his head to the left.

"May I join Fairy Tail, after the Games end, I'll leave." I quietly say.

"Of course you can join! Why not stay in the Guild longer?"

"I.. I-I um.." He has a point.. I have the necklace that keeps my curse at bay. As long as I wear that I'll be fine. But, I like like in Alvarez. It's amazing! Especially with Zeref. "I can't, I go exploring a lot and um-"

   "We used to have a member somewhat like that, Mystogan. He would pick a job, then leave. He wouldn't communicate with anyone. But he was the Prince of Edolas, so he left the Guild." He paused before continuing. "Please join, stay longer, it does matter if you're around a lot, stop by every now and then. Plus you need money."

   "Ze-I mean-Lucas and I make enough money to survive." I smile.

"Oh, alright, well will you at least consider staying longer?"

"Sure thing."

"Would your friend, Lucas, like to join?" Makarov pointed at Zeref. Zeref shook his head no. "Alright then, Lisanna, would you be a dear and give (Y/n) a Fairy Tail guild emblem?"

"Of course Master." A white headed teenaged girl grabbed a stamp and walked over towards me.

I can't believe it, me joining Fairy Tail. Wow..

Ankhseram Curse (Zeref x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now