❀ Chapter 17 - Fixing, No, Breaking

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(Small author's note: You know that meme where it goes:
Readers: Continue the story! I wanna know how it ends!
Author: Lol, I wanna know how it ends, too.
Yeah, that's literally me. I forgot how I wanted to end this story. So that just means I'm going to have to change the ending I guess. Okay, enjoy this story after waiting a year later ;) see what I did there? Happy New Years by the way.)
I'm a lying bastard. I don't deserve to live after all the shit I've done. I'm in a nightmare and I can't wake up. No one can wake me up.. no, he can. Zeref is the only one that can wake me up.

Will he wake me up?


   After a long night's rest, I wake up with a sharp pain in my back. Must've slept wrong. That was the least of my problems at the moment. For starters, I needed to go back to Fiore and fix things there. That is, if Natsu and the others are alive still. I can't believe Zeref left like that! I shouldn't say anything, I left Fairy Tail and the other Guilds along with him.

   I had forgotten what the Guilds Fairy Tail were competing against are called. Sabertooth..? Mermaid Heel? I should stop trying to guess and just do some simple research.

   Today was a pretty quiet day, for me anyways. Zeref had to do a lot of other things, while I had the day to myself. What could I do today? Maybe go out and make some friends, eh. Sounds like too much work. I want today to be a lazy day.

   But that wasn't going to happen, due to my brain overthinking.


   I was cursed for a reason. I know why, but there's got to be a way to break it, no? I can't bring back my mother. Even if I could, would I want to? My mother did nothing wrong, it was me who was the monster. If I, or anyone, had the ability to bring back the dead, would I bring her back..?

   I sigh, there may not be a way to break this curse. I'll just have to live with it, forever. And I mean, literally,  forever.

   Wow, I really can't just enjoy a quiet and peaceful day? My stupid brain just has to think about this?

"Argh!" I scream into my pillow. I needed a distraction.. but what? Oh, I could look up the Guild's names? The ones Fairy Tail battled at the Grand Magic Games. Yeah! That's a great idea, let's do it.


I wonder around the huge library. Hmm, there were books about a lot of random things. I don't even want to list them, but most were about magic, of course, and whatnot.

Finally, after what seemed like hours of searching, I had found it, the Guilds that competed against Fairy Tail. I was right about the two: Mermaid Heel and Sabertooth. I wonder what it would be like to join a Guild. But Zeref would never let me, plus it's not such an ideal thing to do with my curse and all..

And there goes my brain, thinking again. Nope! Shut it out, actually yes, think positive. The jewels do help keep Zeref and I safe from each other, and keeps others safe from us.

   See, as long as I look at the bright side of things, I won't think of my mother.

   I grab the necklace and stare at it. It symbolizes hope.. hope that Zeref and I can break the curse, hope that I can finally live a normal life, and it will happen. No more hoping because I'll make it happen.

(Sorry for the short chapter, my inspiration is running low. I'm thinking during the Spring break, whenever that is, I should rewatch Fairy Tail season 1-recent season. I saw that Fairy Tail is already on the war part?! I'm so behind! I got a sneak peak of Brandish(?), and oh my god my waifu is so hot. Someone help me-)

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