❀ Chapter 13 - Girls Day!

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  "It was nice meeting you, Mavis." I smiled at her.

   "No, no, no, no, no. We still need to chat!" Mavis smiled.

   I thought she would be upset once she found out Zeref and I are dating, guess not.

   "Okay." I nod.


  Mavis pointed at a boutique. "Let's go there!" She tugged my wrist.

   "Alright, it looks pretty." I say.

It's not a lie, the store looks super pretty! Its dresses are long and colourful. I couldn't wait to try them on, and neither could Mavis.


   "Ooh~! You look so pretty (Y/n)!!" Mavis clapped her hands together and her eyes had sparkles in them. "That dress suits you so well!"

   I looked in the mirror. I had a black dress. It was a gradient dress too. It was black that went into grey, then white. It was a strapless dress, it showed my cleavage, but not that much. The dress was long and flowy. I looked at Mavis.

   "Should I get it?" I asked.

   "Yes!" Mavis smiled.

   The people around us thought I was crazy, I keep forgetting Mavis can only be seen by people who have Fairy Tail's emblem.

   "Alright then, I'll buy it." I went back into the changing room and took it off carefully. I put on my regular clothes then walk out. "Ready."

   "Let's go buy it, then we can go eat!" Mavis smiled.

   Can ghosts even ea- Nevermind, if she wants to eat, then that's what we'll go do. After all, I do want to get on her good side since I'm dating Zeref..


   "I had so much fun with you, (Y/n)." Mavis said after she swallowed her food.

"I had fun too." I said, with a little sadness in my voice.

"What's wrong? Are you not happy with the food?"

"It's not that.. I-I'm just.." I sighed. "I'm just a little homesick.." I stated. "I want to go back to my friends, I miss them.." I stared at the plate in front of me.

"Will you go back to them after the Grand Magic Games are over then?" Mavis said sadly.

"I'm pretty sure we will." At least I hope so, but I can't tell Mavis that, it'll hurt her feelings.

"Well, send me letters every day, okay?" Mavis looked at me.

"I will. But it may take some time." I shrugged.


"I live in a different country. Zeref and I traveled overseas just to come see Fairy Tail compete in the Games." I informed her. I don't know if I should tell her about Alvarez. Maybe not?

"Oh wow! Traveling overseas is fun isn't it? You get to see the dolphins!" Mavis giggled.

I simply just smiled.

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