❀ Chapter 9 - First

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   I don't care what they say, I can't fight. I'm not fighting again, I haven't even trained! "No!" I blurted out. "I can't participate, I'm sorry.."


"Why not?" Natsu frowned.

"Every time I help out, something bad happens." I stare at the ground. "Please don't yell at me."

"7 years ago, you helped us. You helped us fight Acnologia, yes we lost, but we didn't die. We might've died if you didn't come help us." Natsu paused. "And we thank you for that."

"You're welcome.."


Zeref stood beside me, he was still disguised as a blonde haired man with green eyes, Fairy Tail's master invited us to stand with them to cheer on Fairy Tail. Zeref and I agreed to stand with them.

   Hidden was the game's name. Gray and Juvia were participating in this round's game. So were Lyon, Beth, Eve, Rufus, Jäger and Nullpudding.

   The match wasn't going as well as I thought it would. Gray was getting his butt kicked by that Raven Tail guy.

   Master Makarov was getting pissed off. Apparently, his son is the Master of Raven Tail.

I shook my head as Gray got hit again.

"(Y/n).." Zeref grabbed my arm.

"Hm?" I looked at him.

"I sense Mavis' presence.." He mumbles.

Mavis?! She's here!? But I thought she was dead..? Unless..

"First Master, what's the matter?" Makarov looks at thin air.

I tilt my head.

"Mavis.." Zeref covered his mouth and gagged a little. He felt sick, I could tell. I saw as he struggled to keep his transformation on.

"Let's go.. Uh, Lucas." I made up a name quickly and led Zeref out of there. I took him to the bathroom. I waited outside as Zeref went to the bathroom and did whatever he needed to.

Zeref was taking to long, so I decided to go in. Thank god no one but Zeref was in the men's restroom. I went over to Zeref, who was in the biggest stall. He was on the floor crying. I tried my best to ignore the vomit in the toilet.

"She's here.. she's actually here."

"Do you still love her..?" I said, slightly jealous.

"I don't know.."

   "Zeref.. if you still love her then chose her."

   "But I love you!" Zeref looked at me. "I won't chose anyone but you! Y-You... you're you. And I love your personality. I love everything about you."

   "You also loved her." I reminded him. "Zeref, you should chose her, not me. You met her first."

   "But I also killed her, I haven't killed you."

   "You killed her on accident!" I shouted. "You didn't mean to kill her! The Ankhseram curse took away her life because you loved her." I sighed.

   "(Y/n), why did the Ankhseram Gods curse you with the curse..?" Zeref looked at me.


Sorry this chapter was short, I didn't have that much planned for this chapter.. also, 23 reads? That's pretty awesome, it's not a lot, but to me it is. :) thanks for reading, do you enjoy the story so far?

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Thanks for reading! <3

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