❀Chapter 4 - The Black Dragon

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   The blonde haired freak walked over to you and kicked you in the stomach, causing you to wince. "Weakling!" He put his foot on your face and stomped on you. He continued to torture you until you passed out.

"Ac...nologia.." Zeref mumbled.


There was a loud roar when you woke up. You looked up at the sky and saw it. The big flying creature. Bigger than a town! It was the Black Dragon, Acnologia. He was here, at Tenrou Island.

"Z-Zeref?!" You call out in fear, even though you can't die, you could still feel pain, if Acnologia strikes you, you would feel the pain. The blood would still come out of your injured body, but you wouldn't die.

"It's okay, I'm here.." Zeref sets his hand on your shoulder. "We're leaving." He helps you up and starts walkings towards the shore.

(Y/n)'s POV (First Person)

The ground was shaking from the fighting that was behind us. "Zeref.. Is Fairy Tail going to live..?" I asked.


"Zeref..?" My eyes widen, I know the answer. His younger brother and his friends were going to die. We could've helped. But instead, Zeref chose the decision to flee.

I grabbed his white toga and stared at the ground. He didn't say anything, he didn't even look at me. I didn't say anything or look at him either. Silence filled the air, well except for the Faory Tail mages and Acnologia fighting in the far background.

I broke the silence. "Where are we going..?" Again, Zeref said nothing. He looked at me. A sad, but happy, expression was on his face. "Zeref, where are we going?" I repeated.


The hell? I.. Ugh. Zeref started to walk again and I followed. I swear, sometimes he irritates me.


Once we got to the shore, there was a small boat big enough for two. I looked at Zeref. "We're leaving Tenrou Island?"

He nodded.

"Can you talk to me please?!" I begged.

He nodded again, then whispered, "Later, once we're far from the island." I saw a tear fall down his cheek. My (e/c) eyes widen. He was crying again.. I hate when he cries.

"Okay, let's go.." I got in the boat and looks at the island. I saw Natsu's Fire Dragon Roar roar at Acnologia. His attack had no damage. I wanted to help.. should I?

I saw a scarlet haired woman in knight clothes that had metal wings fly up to Acnologia and cut him with her sword. I looked away as Acnologia flicked her down with his tail.

I saw a lot of magic spells try to attack the dragon. I knew it wouldn't do anything if I helped.

But I had to.

Ankhseram Curse (Zeref x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now