❀ Chapter 14 - Missing Days in Alvarez

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"Oh wow! Traveling overseas is fun isn't it? You get to see the dolphins!" Mavis giggled.

I simply just smiled.


I raced down the hall and bumped into someone. I looked up at them and noticed it was Brandish. "I'm so sorry.."

"It's fine (Y/n).." Brandish sighed. I examined her face, she seems a little sad but I couldn't tell if that was her natural face or if she really was sad..

"Are you alright Brandish?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me (Y/n)."

"But you're my friend, of course I'm going to worry about you." I smiled at her. She smiled back. "Say, do you want to go out and have fun?"

"I have things to take care of, if I don't Invel will be on my ass." Brandish sighed.

"Please Brandi!!" I begged. "We never hang out anymore!"

"Because.. we're preparing for something, but the Emperor is still doubting whether or not we should do it.."

"Do what?"

"I said too much.." Brandish sighed.

"Oh, but can we still hang out..?" I frowned a little.

"Fine, but if Invel finds out I ditched our plans, I'm blaming you." Brandish sighed.

"Brandish-Sama, (Y/n)-Sama!" Marin exclaimed. "You both pass~" I swear, Marin creeps me out a little, but I gotta deal with him. "Ladies, are you going to ditch the meeting?"

"A meeting? There's a meeting?" I looked at Brandish then Marin.

Brandish glared at Marin then grabbed my forearm and led me away. "Let's go (Y/n)." Brandi led me outside. "What do you want to do today?"

"I'm not sure, I just wanted to go into town with you."


   "I can't believe we spent the whole day out in the town!" I exclaimed.

   "It was exciting, to be honest.." Brandish smiled slightly.

   I looked at the bags in my hands. "We bought a lot of clothes, and you got to eat a lot of the star mango gelato you love!"

"That's true.." Brandish nodded. "(Y/n), you know how the Emperor explores a lot?"

"Yes, what about it?" I looked at her.

"Why does he go off on his own? Why wouldn't he take you with him on his journeys?"

I never thought about that.. Zeref does leave to go explore a lot. Maybe he goes to Ishgal and walks around, looking for his brother? It's been 3 years since that day, I'm sure Zeref is worried about his brother.

I don't let my brain make me think they're dead. There's no way.. But then again.. No! I can't think that..

I sigh. "He just likes to explore. He asks me to go along with him, but I kindly refuse so that I can be around you and the other 12." I lie about the last part to Brandish, she seems to buy it.

"That's right, I forget some of the 12 actually like you." She teased.

"Hey!" I giggle. "You like me! We're best friends!"

"I'm just kidding." Brandish smiled.


The next day August and I talked while drinking tea and eating some sweets.

"(Y/n), thank you for keeping my mother and father a secret." August looked at me.

"Of course," I spoke quietly. "I still can't believe that Fairy Tail's first master is your mother.." August had just told me about this and I took in the information very well, even though I'm still a little shocked.

"Besides Brandish and some of the other 12, I feel very comfortable around you." August stated.

I smiled at August. "I feel the same way about you."


I looked at Mavis and started crying.

"What's wrong (Y/n)?" She worried.

"I miss them.. I miss my friends. My old friends not the new ones at Zeref's and my town." I say. Me thinking of the 12 made me think of my old friends, the ones I killed.. because of my curse.

Mavis wrapped her hands around me. "I'm sorry." She paused to take a deep breath. "I know how you must've felt.."

I hate myself. I hate myself because I killed my mother just because she was different. I hate myself because I'm a Goddess. I hate myself because I'm a mistake. A mess up.

I hate myself.

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