❀ Chapter 16 - Return

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(The music's there if you want to listen to it as you read. You're not forced to though 😄)

Mavis though.. she can't die, she's a ghost. She'll be fine, but if her friends die.. if her friends die she'll be all alone. She'll be all alone, just like how I was when I was young.

   Left all alone..


I stared at the ground as Zeref led me to the boat. "You did the right thing." He said. I looked at him with a pissed expression.

   "How could you say that?!" I yanked my hand away from him. "Mavis is-" I clamped my hand over my mouth.


   "Nothing.." I removed my hand from my mouth. "Mavis and the others, your brother for example, they won't be okay.. am I correct?"

   No response.

   "Zeref Dragneel! This was your.. your.. demon creation thingy that caused this!" (Sorry, I haven't watched/read the anime/manga in a while so I forgot what they were called..) I exclaimed. "We have to go back!"

   "We can't! We need to go back. I'm not losing you, do you understand?" Zeref grabbed my hands.

   "I can't, we.." I sighed. "You're an idiot." I pulled my hands away and walked ahead of him.

I didn't hear footsteps behind me, so I assumed Zeref wasn't following me. At least I'd see Brandish soon.. but Mavis, we had a connection going on. "Zeref, can we just warn them?"

Zeref stayed quiet. I groaned in frustration. "Zeref, this isn't fair, Mavis is my friend!"

   He was started to make me angry. He didn't understand how pissed off I was. I made new friends and he was taking them away from me.. He better be lucky I love him otherwise...! I'm not even going to say what I'd do to him.


   I slammed the door shut. When we arrived to our (Ugh, I'm sorry, I don't remember, is it a castle or some shit? I'm so done, I am about to give up on this story 🤦‍♀️), I ran straight to my room so I didn't have to see Zeref. I jumped onto my bed and screamed into my pillow.

   He was stupid! I hate him! But I love him.. Ugh! I swear, I feel like I'm bad luck sometimes... that's a lie. I feel like I'm bad luck all the damn time. It's annoying. Everywhere I go, things and/or people would die. Even when I'm 'safe' from the curse, people still die because of me.. Goddammit, why am I like this? Is it because of her? No, stop (Y/n). Don't think about that, okay? It's fine.. Everything's fine.. I'm fine.

   Lies! All lies! Why can't I just be true to myself? Why can't I go back in time and fix my mistakes. Wait, go back in time. The Eclipse Gate(?)! I could ask Zeref to make another one and I could go back in time and fix every mistake I made in my life! Shit, no, that's being selfish..

   How can I fix this? I don't know.. I need to talk to someone, but no one will listen to me. Not the way I want them to. Freaking! Argh! Nothing will ever work the way I want it to. Zeref though, he might do it? No, no, he wouldn't. He loves me and he doesn't want to go down the dark road he already went down.

   We're supposed to help each other. Always and forever. Even when we're pissed off at each other.

   I prop myself up on my elbows. "Help." I mumble to myself. "That's what I need. Help from him. If I go back, I can stop myself from killing her and.. and I can fix my mistakes! I won't be a monster!"


I pace around my room. I asked to see August. He was going to try to calm me down before I ask Zeref something. I heard knocking at my door. He's here.. August.


   I decided to ask Zeref what I needed to ask him.. later. I needed time to think about my conversation with August. When he left my room, he gave me a reassuring hug; That cheered me up a bit.

   I wore something that would hide my identity as I walked to my favorite spot in the kingdom. A place that no one knew about. Just me.

   When I got there, I was surround by the beautiful sounds of birds chirping and the water dripping from off the leaves and onto rocks, it had rained the other day.. from what I've seen. I mean, it was obvious: The wet grass and some wet spots on the ground. Meaning puddles. 

   I pull my hood down and walk around. I look at the trees then the sky. Everything was peaceful and beautiful, except me. I was disturbed and ugly. The forest was beautiful. I was hideous. The forest was lovely. I was nowhere close to that word.

I'm a lying bastard. I don't deserve to live after all the shit I've done. I'm in a nightmare and I can't wake up. No one can wake me up.. no, he can. Zeref is the only one that can wake me up.

Will he wake me up?

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