❀ Chapter 5 - Alvarez Empire

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(I'm changing the way I write, so I'm writing it in first person)

(H/l) - Hair Length

   I saw a lot of magic spells try to attack the dragon. I knew it wouldn't do anything if I helped.

   But I had to.


   I run towards the creature, I don't care if Zeref leaves me. I had to help them.

Once I got there I saw the dragon and immediately tensed up.

"Hey, its that girl!" Natsu looked at me. I nodded.

"I'm here to help."

Natsu smiled then looked back at the dragon and attacked with his Fire Dragon Brilliant Flame. I attacked with my Shadow God Tartarus, the same attack I did to trap Ultear.

The blonde man next to Natsu did a lightning attack, the dark haired man used an ice make spell. The scarlet haired woman attacked with her swords while a young girl, about 12 or 13 years old, attacked with her Sky Dragon Roar. We all attacked Acnologia once.

None of our spells worked. Acnologia flicked all of us to the ground with his giant tail.

Acnologia looked determined to kill us, well, them. I wouldn't let these innocent people die right before my eyes, they deserve to live. I shook my head and tried not to focus on that, I couldn't focus on the meaning of life. If I did, I'd take the lives of the Fairy Tail members that were by me.

"He's about to roar!!" A large man with reddish-brownish hair yelled. I looked at him, he had a brown cloak on him and bandages on his stomach. "We need to get out of here!!"

"Is this the end?" A blonde haired woman cried.

I looked around and everyone looked like they were giving up. They all hugged their loved ones and some cried in fear. I knew they didn't want to die. I stared at the ground.

"I couldn't help.." I mumbled. "I'm sorry.."

"Don't worry Lucy.." Natsu held his hand out in front of the blonde woman. I looked at them. "We'll make it out of here."

"Everyone switch to defensive magic! And join hands!" A white haired woman shouted. Everyone, but me, got into a circle and held hands.

Natsu looked at me. "C'mon, you too."

"I'll be fine.." I mumbled. "I need to get back to Zeref."

"You could die if you don't join us."

"I can't die.." I frowned. "I'm immortal just like Zeref. We share the same curse." I smiled weakly.

"Be careful then." Natsu smiled.

"You too." And with that I ran far away, as quickly as I could.


Zeref was still waiting for me by the shore. "Hurry!" Zeref yelled.

I ran to the boat and got in.

Zeref started rowing the boat quickly. I looked behind us and saw Acnologia roar at them. But then I saw a huge light, was it caused by Acnologia?


"That was a stupid thing you did back there." Zeref said.

"I know.."

"But also really brave and kind of you."

"Thanks." I smiled at him.

The rest of the boat ride was quiet. I stared at my hands and thought. Will Natsu and the others be okay..? Will they still live? Hell, are they alive now? If so, what happened to them. And if not. I'm sorry guys, I couldn't help you. I tried, but I couldn't. I couldn't help you because I wasn't strong enough.

You didn't deserve to die.. I do.


It's been seven years since that day.. I kept writing stories everyday to take my mind off them. To keep my mind off Natsu, Lucy, Wendy, Erza, Gray, Juvia, Lisanna, Mirajane, Laxus, Freed, Elfman, Evergreen, Bickslow, Guildarts, Kana, Happy, Carla, Lily, Gajeel, Levy, and Makarov. Zeref told me all of their names and told me all about them. He told me all about Fairy Tail and the other guilds.

I stared out my window and looked at the kids happily chasing each other. Even though I felt guilty about leaving the Fairy Tail mages on Tenrou Island, I was happy about my life, how Zeref and I lived in the Alvarez Empire.

The only thing was, Zeref was the emperor here, he went by Spriggan. So when others were around I called him that.

"Miss (L/n)?" Katherine knocked on the door. "Emperor Spriggan would like to talk to you."

"He does?" I smiled.

"Yes ma'am."

"I'll be there in a second." I stood up and pushed in my chair. I took my (h/l) (h/c) down from the messy bun I had in earlier, and brushed my hair quickly then went to Zeref.

   Once I got there I saw Zeref talking to Invel. "Yes, I will go tell the other Your Majesty." Invel bowed quickly to Zeref then left. He was most likely going to tell the other 12 something important..

(If the 12 weren't already assembled after the 7 year time skip, well they are now, as you can tell I didn't rlly pay that much attention to the manga.. sorry..)

   "Spriggan?" I mumbled.

   "Oh, (Y/n), you're here." Zeref turned to me and smiled. "Good, I wanted to talk to you."

   "About what?"

   "Follow me." Zeref led me back to my room.

   I had a strange feeling. My stomach twisted into a knot, I suddenly felt dizzy. I felt nervous. What was Zeref going to say?

   "Remember when we we're on the Tenrou Island 7 years ago?" Zeref looked at me.

   I nodded.

   "And remember when Acnologia came and almost killed them?"

   "Almost..?" I gasp. "You don't mean.."

   "They're alive."

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