Chapter 1: The Discovery and the formation

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Ian's POV

We have reached Kalel's Cabin."Anthony Do you know what happened?"Kalel said as she is holding a Freakin BROWNING HP PISTOL! "The North Korea Hacked our mainframe, Even Facebook!" Kalel said as we went to the Cabin. I Then eat a Donut(Because of Anxiety) "Oh Look an secret armory" Peter said as he looks at a gun armory in the basement. "Yeah its working. Vietnam Era Rifles." Kalel said as someone knocks on the door. '@#$!"Llyod said as he open the door, M9 Pistol Ready.Its a teen girl. "I saw your lights, my sister is killed by a north Korean officer" She said as Llyod Lets him in.

Athony's POV

"What happends in the city? Little Girl?" Kalel asked the teenage girl. "Hind Helicopters attack the city and they use tear gas to weaken our only defenders, policemen." The teenage girl (her name is Ellie) said as she shows pictures of north koreans killing civilians. "this is world war 3" I said as the gang is suprised "We must form a guerilla Movement"i countinued as Ian spits while drinking a pepsi."are you serious?Well okay i agree" Ian said as the others also agrees

Ellie's POV

"Ok we need Guns and armor"i said "Well i got Vietnam Era M16A1s"Kalel said "Its from Her Grandpa"Ian said as he shows the guns to me "Ah Ok we will ambush the Gun Truck Tomorow!" Anthony said as He shows a picture a a NOrth Korean Gun Truck. "Well Yeah Because CNN says North korea controls US Now"I said as he saw the Tv saying North Korea is on control.

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