Chapter 4:The Liberation and the Russian Roulette

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Near the Re Education Camp the Marines are saying,4 30 Am

Ian's POV

'Sir thats the Camp. There is 40 Men and 3 officer there."Sgt Mark said. "4 Tanks and 4 Guard Towers.I will destroy it . mOve out" Cpl Allen said as we move out nearer the camp.I was amaze the marine can hold 2 RPG on his two Hands."Sucka!"He said as he destroys two Towers,reloads and destroys the other two.We Commenced the Raid."Eat this KIM JONG UN!"Kalel said as she shoots two North Korean Soldiers  that is fat(Looks like Kim Jong UN) with her AKS74u.Cpl Allen then went to the Camp and cuts the lock of the Room that the Marine Prisoner are there."Here pick up guns"I said as i give the bag that has M4A1s,G3s and TAR21."The Tanks are F!cking Moving!Give Me The Recoiless Rifle!"Anthony said as i give a Carl Guztav Recoiless Rifle and he starts shooting the tanks destroying them all.'Sir thats the Officers Quarters!"PFC Enrique said to Anthony as anthony grabs a Dead Korean and wents to the Officers Quarters Door .'Who the hell are you!"One of the officer said as the group wents in and kills the Guards."Felix give me my Snub Nose Gun,Ellie, 3 Bullets."Anthony said as Felix gives Anthony a Snub Nose Revolver and ellie gives him 3 Bullets

Anthony's POV

'What Are you going to do"Kalel Asked me "Im going to play Russian Roulette with one of this guys"I said as i closed my eyes and shoot random Korean Officers. "Anthony, The Middle one Remains"Matt said "Ok " I said as i removed the bullet put it on another position and spins it. (Note I Know where it is, its on two circles from the Barrel,)The Officer Took his turn ,nothing. My turn, there is two descision in my mind (Kill Myself or shoot the Korean.) So I  Point it on the Korean Officer pulled the trigger nothing. "You Cheating fu....!"He said until someone shoot him in the head. "Not us"The Gang said until there is an Armored Soldier with a Bobafett Mask comes in (Its not a he,Its A She). She takes off the mask, Its Marzia bisognin(Pewdiepie's Girlfriend)

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