Chapter 14:The Evacuation of Coalition Leaders and the intel.

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Resistance HQ,Washingthon State

Ian's POV

Me , Peter, llyod , The 4 Marines , Carl and kurt are drinking Budweisers when suddenly, a Resistance Member call me. "Sir you are called to Anthony's Office."He said as i grab my Galil Rifle and went to Anthony's Office. He is drinking too with Kalel. "Hey" Kalel said as Anthony pulls files from his desk. "You will Spy the Arizona Base while Joshua and the other 2 Leaders escape in a sub and into Panama and through a C17 to Florida."Anthony said. "Ok Sir, We have captured North Korean KPA Clothes  and a North korean cessna. When we will spy, Anthony?" I asked "Now" He said as i went to the peter llyod , the 4 marines carl and kurt and said that we will spy the enemy.We then switch to KPA Clotes and we first watched the 3 Coalition Leader's Departure and then went to the Airfield to fly to the base in a North Korean Antonov An 24.

Arizona Base

"Unidentified Aircraft , you are approaching KPA Garrison 50 Knots from your Posistion.Identify yourself"The Control Tower said "We are the cargo plane who carries Arms that Ze Lei requested" I said (I also pilot it)."Lt Ze Lei didnt request Arms."The Tower said "Yes he did."I said . "Okay seems Legit. You Can land."The Tower said. Then Anthony calls us through the Radio. "You have authorization to Kill Ze Lei. " He said as we land. "We need to distribute our AK47s. Lets keep our Makarov Pistols" Lt Carl said as we gave our Main Guns to the Guy in Charge(Its not Lt. Ze Lei) and keep our Makarov Sidearms.As we went to Ze Lei's Office, We saw 

 40 Su 25 Attack Jets 

 30 Ilyushin Il- 28 bombers

 720 Pt 85 Tanks

 1000 Chonma Ho Tanks

 2000 Pokpung Ho

30000 Artillery Pieces (Its Either Artillery Tanks or Artillery Pieces)

And Not to mention 5 Regiments (25,000 Troops in total) KPA Military Police and 5 Division (50,000 Troops in total) KPA Soldiers all armed with Regular Service Rifles, AK47s.

Total Land Air Weapons: 180,790 (Including Troopers)

But Bad News Arrived , 2 Million paratroopers  arrived from An 24 and Ilyushin Planes. Armed with An 94 and JS 9mm Submachineguns .I Then write the details and the Base' Details.(Its Walled, It has 4 Towers, The wall has barbed wire but the towers has Type 73 Machineguns and Asg Grenade Launchers. We then went to Ze Lei's Office. "Hello How may i help you?" Ze Lei said as he looked at my face, almost recognize it, but unfortunatly he did. He Almost press the alarm but Howell Carl and Allen Subdue him. I Equip my Makarov with Supressor and Shoot Ze Lei in the Achilles Veil and Before i kill him, A north Korean girl went to the door. "Resistance !" She said as she pressed the Alarm. Alerting soldiers. We went outside, didnt kill Ze Lei but get some intel. We saw the Plane destroyed by a RPG fire."Lets take the Jeep!" I said as we jacked the North Korean Jeep and went out to go back to washingthon state. Good thing it has 5  Petroleum Gas Tanks.

Washingthon State(Resistance Hq)

We arrived to the HQ. I Look at Anthony's Office and he is not there. "Hey Matt wheres Anthony?" I asked Matt "He is in Kalel's Room." Matt said as I went to Kalel's Room. Its unlocked so i went there. I saw Anthony KISSING Kalel in the bed. "Shit Sorry is it a bad time?" I said, awkwardly. "Nah Its Okay, Ian"Kalel said as Anthony stands. "Yeah its okay. Aside from being a natural Cockblocker since prom, its okay." Anthony said as i laugh. "Kalel can i borrow your fiance for a talk?"I said "Yeah its okay"Kalel said as we went out. "Okay you got intel ?" Anthony asked "Okay its Walled and has barbed wire and has the largest Force in the North Korean Colony of the USA.It has 4 Towers armed with Grennade Launchers and Type 73 Machine guns. And i even write the details. " I said as i give the Paper. "Okay can i go back to kissing Kalel?"Anthony said "Oh sure, im gonna drink well earned beer from the Cafetaria with the team. Except Ellie who only drinks Root beer" I said as Anthony went back to Kalel's room and i went to the Cafetaria with the team drinking.

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