Chapter 9:The Two Liberations

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1 Month Later Olympia Washingthon State

Anthony's POV

We Have Reached 5 Million (including the Joined Filipino Japanese and US Soldiers) Personnel.Results are The North Koreans sending more soldiers by Air from Occupied Hawaii.

We are currently battling the last 2 North Korean Field Army. "당신의 생활이 수비대를 지켜라(Defend this Garrison with your Lives!)" The Field Army Commander Park said as he struggles to clear a Jam in his Machinegun."There Outnumbered!Fight them!"  I said as i saw a North Korean Tank moving up. "Ian Give me the javelin!" I said to ian as He gaves me the Javelin Anti Tank Rocket and shoots the Tank."Son of a Gun!" The North Korean Commander said as he unmounts the Machinegun and Turns to his Makarov pistol and shoots my leg. "Ach!" I screamed as Kalel uses her M16A4 to Wound Park."Dont Worry Anthony, a Corpsman will treat your wound"She said as she and Ian wents on to kill Commander Park.

Kalel's POV

'Hey you! Dip@%&*!" I said as we cornered an escaping Commander Park" Shall i shoot him?" Ian asked as he pulls his M9 Beretta and points it at Park's head. "Go to hell American " Park said " Well he speaks english We get some use of this maniac"I said as i use the butt of my rifle to knock the Communist Officer out."Ellie!Grab the stretcher for this punk!"I said to ellie "Yup here it is!"Ellie said as she puts her CAR 15 in idle and gives us the Stretcher. "Stupid Communist"Ellie added as we carried the Officer out of the building in the heat of the battle."Sir Kalel, Ellie and Ian Captured the officer" Peter and Llyod said to anthony as we show him the body. "Freak that.We already know informations" Anthony said "Ok so we should kill him?" i asked "Yeah."He said "Sorry Mate. Orders are Orders" Ian said as Park wokes up and Ian shoots him in the Head with his berreta. 

2 Hours later

"Victory is ours!"Anthony said as we raised our weapons in the air."We have liberated Washingthon state!" He added as he waves the American flag and  the Washingthon state flag."Today Washingthon. Tomorrow. Oregon"Ian said as we raised our arms and shout "Hurrah!"

Meanwhile at The North Korean HQ, San Francisco.

"What the Hell?!I thought you taken care for this Resistance Problem!"A North Korean Dignitary for Kim Jong Un said as he points out the Victory of the Resistance in Washinghthon. "I DONT KNOW!Commander Park taken care of that problem!" Ze Lei said as a North Korean Intelligent officer wents to the Dignitary's Office "Sir We just have a news. Cmdr. Park is shot in the head by a M9 Pistol. Held by the Resistance Leader's Second in Command " He said. "Damn.Liutenant, Prepare the Defense for Oregon."The Dignitary said as he pull a North Korean Made Balisong and stabs the part of Oregon in the Map of Captured USA.

Next Day , Oregon KPA Garrison, Time: 10:30 AM

Matt's POV

Me and Marzia and Pewds pilots a Philippine UH 1 Irquious with a Filipino Air Personel guiding us as we (The Resistance Force) advance to the KPA Garrison (the Other team is on a captured BTR). "Our Country is in Civil war with The Rebels of the MILF, NPA and the ASG" The Personel said."I thought Asia is with War with Brazil and Columbia?" peter said through the Radio "Nah its only Papua New Guniea and Indonesia in war with Brazil and Columbia.Asian Countries is in Civil War." The personnel said as the other helicopters are shot down by the North Korean AA Guns."Marzia, Felix! Shoot them with the M60s!" I said as i evade the AA Guns and shoot them with the Rocket Pod. "Its an Ambush!"Anthony said as the rest of the team went out the BTR and them and the Resistance Force starts shooting at the KPA Army Group (They are 400,000 we are 520,000). "Matt we need air support!"Anthony said "Coming!" I said as we go near anthony's position and shot and kill 10 north koreans and a North Korean Tank.Then a KPA Hind appeared "Crap.a KPA Hind" I said as i Evade the Hind's Rocket Fire. "Shit! Anthony , little help here!" Marzia said to the radio."Okay i have a Stinger Rocket here!' Kalel said to the Radio as she shoots the Hind Destroying it."Outfucking standing!"I said as we shoot some North korean BTR. Then a AA Gun shot us down. "Brace for Impact!" The Personel said as we are shot down."Grab your weapons!"i Said as a North Korean Soldier points our debris and starts shooting us. We Grab our sidearms(which are captured Makarov Pistols.) and start shooting the KPA Soldiers(But due to its short Range, we missed) Then Anthony Ian Peter and llyod kills them with their AK47s"You are Still in one piece' Llyod said as they help us and gave us some weapons (Namely M16A4 Rifles)."The KPA has large defense here.They have 50 tanks we have 30 Tanks and 5 Mortars.They have 6 Towers armed with PKMs That is Gunning our men.We will have to destroy the towers with mortars"Anthony said as we set up the mortars."Fire!"Ian said as we sent out shells to the towers, we destroy 4 out of 6 Towers.'Here i Found a Panzerschreck with 2 Ammo"A Resistance Member said as Anthony took the Panzerschreck and shoots the tower. He Reloads it and Fires it again but misses. "Here a Panzerfaust"The Same Resistance Member said as Anthony tooks it and fires it at the Tower."Ok Advance Men!" Anthony said as they advance at the KPA Garrison."Defend the Garrison!" The KPA Garrison Officer said as he pulls a PPS and starts shooting.The North Koreans start Manning MG38 Machine Guns and fires at us, Hits 6 Resistance Members."Fire in the Hole!" I said as i light a Molotov Cocktail and shoots at the KPA Soldiers who mans the Machineguns."Americans!"The  KPA officer said as he pulls a Tokarev Pistol and shoots my shoulder."Hey!" Anthony said as i fall down and stabs the Officer with a Bowie Knife in the Abdomen.He then shoots his head with his Colt Python."They are Outnumbered , Burn them with your flame throwers."I said as i get up and equip flamethrowers and burn some KPA Soldiers.They then burn some KPA Soldiers with their Flamethrowers.We Claimed Victory after Anthony burns the KPA Garrison Flag and kills the remaining KPA Troops

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