Chapter 12:Last Stand and the Failed Kill/Capture

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California, (IL Sung Garrison(North Korean HQ) San Francisco

Resistance Convoy, 5 km from the Garisson

PFC Enrique's POV

"We have liberated Los Angeles Ze Lei knew he is Doomed so he Fortifies his HQ"I said as i load my M16A4 with a Grenade Launcher as Lt Carl Briefs the team in an M2 Bradley.Then a Artillery Fire destroys one of their tanks. "I'll Man the  Machine  gun shoot the Tank with the Anti Tank Cannon" I said as T62 Tanks wents out of the Forified Garisson.The team shoots and destroys a T62 with the TOW missle.a North Korean platoon wents out to fight us, i noticed some of them are armed with a rocket launcher to destroy our Tanks. (M2 Abrams  and M2 Bradley)."Resistance Tanks !Man your Machine guns"Anthony said through the PA and the Tanks man their M2 Brownings and shoot at the North Korean Platoon."Look Theres Ze Lei armed with Makarov Pistol and With the EMP Proof Phone!" I said as Ze Lei runs. "Enrique, go with Allen!Kill or capture that Sick Fuck."Anthony said as Me and Allen took our Weapons (M4A1 with SOMPOD) and Chases Ze Lei.

Cpl.Allen's POV

We Caught up with Ze Lei.He is near a Broken window. "Freeze, Fucker!" I said as Ze Lei pulls a grenade. "Freeze this SHit" Ze Lei said as he pulls the pin and throws it at us."Grenade!"I said as me and Enrique runs to a Safe distance . The Grenade exploded."So long bitches!" Ze Lei said as he jumped toward the window and catched by a Mi 8. "Oh Shit"Enrique said "Dont worry, he is going to Arizona KPA Garrison." I said as we hurry down to the M2 Bradley."Dont worry  I Contacted the Carrier, USS Vengence.Its going to send Air Support:" Kurt Said as  i hear 2 F22 Raptor  nearing. Then the Raptor Shoots at the wall, destroying a hole big enough that infantry and tanks can move through.

Ian's POV 

"Advance!" Anthony said as we moved through the hole.The Tower is still grazing us. And me and the team can be grazed by PKM Fire if we get off the Bradley.Then The F22 Raptor fires its machine guns and rockets on all the tower."Lets get out!" I said as we get out the bradley. "Fire the Mortars!" ANthony said through the radio as 10 Mortar Soldiers(5 km  from the garrison) fires and destroys tank storage and the Armory. We Were 5 Million and the remaining KPA Soldiers in the Garrison are 20,000. They didnt surrender and switch their AK with old rifles Mosin Nagants because of the Destruction of the Armory."Fight for North Korea!" The North Korean Officer said as he and the Remaining KPA soldiers charged. But due to weak Armanaments, we quickly deafeated them with better weapons and tanks.Every Man of the KPA Garrison in San Francisco is killed except Ze Lei who escapes in a Mi 8. Then the Citizens of San Francisco went to us. "Dont worry We Have liberated all of California" I said as the Citizens  thanks us."Whats the Next Plan?" Kalel asked Anthony "Liberate Arizona, Kill Ze Lei and give the marines the EMP Phone." Anthony said "Actually we already made contact with Coaliton and the Florida Army."Sgt Mark said "I thought there is a Power Surge?" Anthony asked "Its only the Internet'Kalel said as Anthony is suprised.

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