Chapter 11:Nevada' Liberation

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Las Vegas , Nevada

KPA Garrison 

Peter's POV

We are near the KPA Garrison.Sgt Mark is telling us the structure."Its Walled .It has barbed wires on the top of the walls.It has 4 Towers and it has 1 million KPA Soldiers and 500000 KPA Military Police. They have 30 Tanks and 20 BTRs and each tower has MG38s.Gate is on the North Side."Sgt Mark said to us as we heard an RPG Fire. "Lets go guys!"Anthony said as we take our M4A1s and AK103s and went outside the BTR and faces the North Korean Forces. The Garrison Commander is with the Soldiers figthing using an AK74u Then we saw 3 A10 Thunderbolt fighters fires it Machine guns and AGM 65 Rockets on the North Korean Tanks and Infantry (killing 50 except the Garrison Commander, Lee Shin Jeong)"its the Florida Army!"Sgt Mark said as the A10 turns back. "Defend the Prisoners, One One Romeo!" Jeong said through the Radio. "They Have Prisoners!Advance!"I said as we kill all the North Koreans outside well except jeong who runs to inside the base. But the Towers is now manned and its tearing Resistance Members.Then 10  Black hawk came in the scene and rappels 50 US Army Rangers.The Ranger Commander,Lt.Col.Kurt Howell  talks to liutenant carl. 

Lt. Carl 's POV

"An AC130 is on high waiting for command for Air Support!"Lt. Col . Kurt said to me as i nod "Fire at the Tank Storage, Liutenant!' He said "Ok Fire at the Storage!"Kurt said through the radio as the storage is destroyed by a Bofors 40 mm gun shot. "Destroy the towers , dude!"Anthony said as Liutenant Kurt Radio again . "Destroy the Towers!" He said as the AC130  fires its M61 Vulcan Cannon on the towers. "Advance!" Anthony said as we (Resistance members and US Army Rangers) Advance towards the base . "Ian ,Allen , Peter , llyod Carl Follow me" Anthony said as we follows him in a Prison.We saw 3 Men and The Garrison Commander armed with a Revolver "if you Come any Closer, i'll kill these 3 men and the other prisoners behind the bars." He said "Im Calling Bluff man.Your gun is a Blank Nagant Revolver, My Revolver's Real "Anthony said as he Pulls His Python and shoots Jeong's Head."Take off the bag"Anthony said as i take off the bag. "General Kang ?" I said  as i saw Kang, the South Korean General of 미국에 한국 파견군(ROK Expeditionary Force to America). "General Marcos?President Joshua?" Allen said as he sees General Marcos (The Filipino General of the Philippine Army Expedition Force to america) and President Joshua (The Commander in Chief of the Florida Reserve and the President of Free America.)"The North Koreans sends 4 Million Soldiers to the North Korean HQ as said by my Spies"Kang said "Yeah.Untie us"Marcos said as we cut their Ropes on their chairs and gives them Makarov Pistols. "Free my Men Howell" Joshua said as he saws Howell and he cuts the lock with a axe and the soldiers(UN Soldiers(Japanese Philippines Europeans) and US Army Rangers) and gives them North korean Galils from the Armory. "Anthony, we claimed victory, we took the remaing 1,500 North Koreans Prisoner POW and we took their Guns!" Kalel said as she smokes a cigarrete he took from a North korean."We Have Liberated Nevada,We can go to the Casinos!" Anthony said as the resistance army cheered.

Meanwhile at the North Korean HQ

The North Korean Reinforcments(4 million Soldiers 50,000 Tanks and 30k Defense Mechanisms(E.g AA Guns Barbed wires and PKMs and MG42s for Tower Defense MGs)arived in the HQ by  Landing Craft .Ze Lei is on the Dignitary's Office waiting to be briefed by the Dignitary (Who is watching Pulgasari (The "godzilla" of the North Korean Leader Kim Jong Il). "The Resistance already liberates 3 States.They are near here in California.We(Me and you and some soldiers) will be evacuated to Kim IL Sung Garrison District 4 in Arizona." The Dignitary said."okay sir, a hind will come here now to NOT evacuate us" Ze Lei said as he shot The Dignitary in the Head with CZ25. "Help!An Assasin killed the Dignitary!" Ze Lei said as he holster his pistol. Then a Medic and 2 Soldiers went to the office and takes away Dignitary's Body then Ze Lei sits on the dignitary's Chair. He calls for his advisors and he says his In charge now."Sir we just heard Louisiana  Mississippi Alabama Georgia and Both North and South Carolina and Virginia is Liberated." A KPA Intel Officer said as he show the map of teritories.

  Washingthon, Nevada , Oregon:Resistance/Rescued Coalition/UN Forces

  Florida Louisiana Mississippi Alabama Georgia 2 Carolinas Virginia: Florida Reserve Force/Coalition Forces

Rest of United States: KPA Forces

4 Days Before Nevada Liberation , Florida

5 Million Coalition(both Japanese Filipino South Koreans and Europeans(German French British and Polish) Army Commandos and Soldiers) ,30,000 Tanks and 10,000 IFV and 9000 Self Proppelled artilerry. "We Will liberate the East Coast!"President Joshua said as they left the reserved personnel and wents on to liberate East Coast. "We will use Hitler's Blitzgrieg Stragety.But not be like hitler. "Marcos and Kang said through a PA from a Tank. 3 Days Later they liberated half of east coast but the 3 leaders are Captured by Spies.

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