Chapter 7 : The Failed Assasination

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Resistance HQ Time 01:29 AM

Peter's POV

They are now here in the Headquarters and we have aquired a new Intel. "Sir We Have Aquired a New Intel, this is International War.China is in war with India ,Russia With Ukraine Asia(Except China) with Brazil and Columbia. and African Nations has a civil unrest that leads to war.Also Japan and South Korea  is overrun by North Korea" I said to Anthony as Llyod lands in the HQ in a Hind Helicopter . "Good News i sneak into a North Korean Airforce Base and stole this badboy" He said as he also brings a Bag of EMP Grenades and Hand Grenades."also in the City Hall, there will be a Speech by a North Korean Senator,Lt. Ze Lei and some north Korean and Russian Cuban Officials and Generals" I said to Anthony. "Wait Cubans?:" He asked, suprised. "Yeah Cubans Helped Russians Invade Ukraine and Angola . Whos The Ruskies?" I said and asked upon seeing the Russian Soldiers Armed with AKS74s coming out from the truck."They Are Helping Us. Ok We Will assasinate Ze Lei Tomorrow. Felix, Matt Peter,your Coming with me tomorrow,You shall be armed with AKS74s With Scope . I'll Be Armed with an M249.Rest of you Dusguised as Secret Police Members armed with Skorpion SMGS and Makarov Got it?" Anthony said "Yes Sir" We said as we Prepare our Assasination Kit.

Next Day , Time 0900 AM

Anthony' POV

"The So Called Resistance will be Punished by the Law!" THe North Korean Senator said as his Loyalist(both north Korean and Collaborators Alike) Cheered. Meanwhile in a building next tothem, we are preparing to assasinate Ze Lei and maybe the Senator."Get Ready Team Able .Team Nelson do not blow your cover" I said to Kalel(Team Nelson(The Duisguised Resistance) "Copy That Team Able" Kalel said as the speech Countinues."oKay team able fire at will" i said as Team Able Preapres to fire using there Intervention Sniper Rifles.Then The shot is heard, but Ze Lei is only injured and his Arm is taken off by the shot."I TOLD YOU NOT TO FAIL!Screw This!"I said as i throw the bag of hand grenades Llyod show them , killing the North Korean Senator, Some Officers and Some Loyalists."Lets Bail!"Matt said as we run from the building

Matt's POV

"Oh S...!" Anthony said as we took cover from a Dshk Fire."Run back to the Freaking Building!"Ian said as we run back to the top of the building.The Humvees  and the North Koreans still fires its weapons on us."Freak this!"Anthony said as he wents outside the cover and shoots the North Korean Humvees' GUnners.We Then fire at the soldiers with our Interventions and Skorpion SMGS.Then the Non Loyalists that in there pick up the Dead North Koreans' Rifles but Ze Lei Escape. "Resistance!" Anthony said thriumpanly as we (Resistance and non Resistance Members) Raise our Guns and shouted likewise. "He escaped to san fran" I said to Anthony 'Yeah I know" He said .

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