Chapter 13:(Bonus Enemy Flashback)Afghanisthan

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Present Day, Kim jong Un Garrison, 5th District , Arizona 


Ze Lei's POV

"During The Afghan War, The Americans and their Allies didnt know North Korea joins the War,Kim Il Sung sends 10,000 KPA Personnel Duisguised as Spetznas Troopers and 30 Tanks Duisguised as Soviet tanks." I Said as my fellow Soldiers listen as they eat lunch

1984 Afghasnistan, Khost Valley

My Fireteam land in a Hind  near the Mujihaideen base to Destroy it and capture the Mujihideen Leader.Or now knowed as Osama Bin Laden. "Move in, Operation Gaijin is on the go."I (a Liutenant back then) said as we load our AK47s and throws a grenade to kill the 5 Mujihaideen RPG Troops."Go Loud!" My Fellow soldier, Cpl Suho Said as we went to the base(Which is basically a cave) and open fire to the Mujihaideen Defenders.Then A Mujihaideen uses a pulwar to stab me but i use my gun to kill him before i stabbed."Lets go we need to capture Bin Laden' I said as we went to the door that leads to Osama Bin Laden's Room."Breach it !"PFC Chanyeol said as i pull a C4 and put it in the locked door of Osama's Room.Then i pressed the Button, then we saw Osama armed with a RPD and fully armored with Kevlar Vest a Helmet captured from the Democratic Afghan Army , a Mask and a Riot Shield from the Afghan Police in his back. "Take Cover!' I said as Osama fires the RPD.But i use a China Lake to kill him. "check the face." I said as the 4rth Soldier, Codenamed Tiger removed the mask and Helmet. "Its not him.Its another Mujihaideen.' tiger said "Come on !Lets go!" I said as we went to the Hind.

Present Day.

"Yeah that guy escaped. Luckily this Dirtbag Americans kill em before us." I said as i show the picture of Seal team 6 insignia.

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