19 | Baah, baah, black sheep, have you any soul?

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Today a few words about The Beatles

Idk why, I just randomly realized how obsessed about The Beatles person I seem to be, just looking at my Wattpad profile. Which, in fact, isn't true. I've started on Wattpad as a Beatlemaniac, but slowly grew apart of them, and now I'm rather in the entire classic rock fandom, then The Fab Four one

Everyone: *gasps* *screams* *throws rotten tomatoes at her* Fake fan! You can't just get enough of The Beatles!

Welp, yes, I can. I mean, I still appreciate them, but they're not the centre of my music interest. Music taste changes, envolves, I don't want to focus on only one band... And one fandom... BUT IT DOESN'T MEAN I'M COMPLETELY OUT OF THE FANDOM K

Just wanted to make it clear, 'cause my profile here looks like “It's all about the Beatles”



I'm still damn big Starrison shipper and I'll be writing Starrison forever (#BestShipEver.), but I slowly stopped being hardcore Fab Four's fangirl

Aand this is the point when everyone will probably unfollow me XD

...I still love George Harrison as hell though.

Now a little fun fact — you know who my lest favourite Beatle is? John Lennon

Everyone: *gasps* *screams* I'm leaving.

I mean, there are some things about him that annoys the hell out of me and in my opinion this man is a little bit... overrated?

There, I said it

Not to say that he's fucking evil or something, but some Beatlemaniacs really should remember he wasn't flawless (everyone of The Beatles wasn't flawless... well nobody is flawless in fact)

One thing I probably hate the most is the way John treated his wives and Julian, his violent behaviour towards them. Because he forced himself into marriage he clearly wasn't ready or mature enough for. Neither he was ready for a fatherhood. Maybe it's only me, maybe it's because of my childhood, maybe I'm overreacting. Or maybe he was just violent, hypocritical and never took full responsibility on his actions

But I understand Julian very well. I know how it's like to grow up practically without father, who barely cares about you, because he never wanted to have you. I know how it's like to be treated like a shit by your own parent, who should love and protect you and instead just hurts you, hurts you all the fucking time, insults you, you're never good enough

I fucking know well too much.

So that's why I can't like John Lennon too much. I can't like the person that did this to his own children, no matter how pretty or how good musician was he

Uh, I don't say you must hate him or something... Just don't glorify John Lennon too much, yeah?

A person who sung “All You Need is Love” gave very little love to his children after all

Damn, this got very personal...

I'd say I would never treat my child like this, but I'm not planning to have ones and neither does my girlfriend, for some reason xdd

That was slightly homosexual of me... 🌈

George Harrison is my fav, so here, have a little spam of him for surviving this personal post:

George Harrison is my fav, so here, have a little spam of him for surviving this personal post:

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(I love that Crackerbox Palace video was Monty Python inspired XD Really, beautiful thing)

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(I love that Crackerbox Palace video was Monty Python inspired XD Really, beautiful thing)

(I love that Crackerbox Palace video was Monty Python inspired XD Really, beautiful thing)

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(Geo ily)

(Geo ily)

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Do we need to ship George Harrison x Eric Clapton more? Yes, we do

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Do we need to ship George Harrison x Eric Clapton more? Yes, we do.

That's enough for today,
goodbye y'all!


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