26 | Somebody buy me an Otomatone please

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Hello, people

Otomatones are goddamn amazing.

What are those?

Otomatones are musicial instruments; electronical synthesizers, developed in Japan in 1998. The most beautiful, majestically looking instruments ever. And their sound.

 And their sound

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Oh my God I love them

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Oh my God I love them.

Besides, I'm a kazoo player, which is the second best instrument ever, don't even try to deny it.

Let's make a Wattpad band, people. Who's in?

I should cover something one day and post it XD

Call me a musician k


Hey look I drew sometingCandy gore is awesome

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Hey look I drew someting
Candy gore is awesome

Jeanine is an awesome OC.

Jeanine: I'd rather vangogh my ears off than listen to The Beatles.

At least she's honest.


So yeah, will you buy me an Otomatone?

I'll cover Bohemian Rhapsody and make Freddie Mercury come back from dead and smash my head several times with this instrument. But at least he'll be alive again.

Hahaha internal screaming.

Ok, I actually feel better than in the morning? Yay?

Ok, I actually feel better than in the morning? Yay?

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I'll better go to sleep...


Goodnight or goodwhatever you want, everyone!

Listen to the mad man!


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