52 | Tchaikovsky yES

106 11 83

Hello, guys!

I saw this and immediately thought abou Annie, like, cmon, pair-of-socks, you have to see this. :vv


11 seconds of pure beauty.


Btw, to everyone: remember to eat your food, drink your water, hydration is important (small cups through all the day), take your meds if you need to, stay healthy. Take care of your physical and mental health. Like, idk, you can always talk to me. But remember, great guys 🌟

Anaria on Wattpad be like this. Throwing extremal amounts of love at everyone. XD



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💛 Jannik

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💛 Jannik

Classic rock? What? Ah yes I'm still into it I swear lol.

Roger Waters: She is. And she listens to me the most, losers ; ))

David Bowie: Oh what you say? :3c You live in a lie, Rog.

Brian May: *sips tea and pets his badger* yeah


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