49 | But all your beliefs are still rooted in Hate

80 11 49

Lousy drawing for the start, to remind that Ulrich is a hero and I love him.

Anaria: *throws Jannik and Ulrich on Wattpad with a trebuchet*

(Btw, current listening pleasure: Billy Talent and Queen. Weird mix...)


Hello, everybody!

Ye, I'm alive. This week is slow, but definitely better than the last one. I'm happy!

I really feel like complaining at school now tho, so hide, or complain with me if you want qq"

Something happened to me, because the word "education", always associated with passion and learning new things, now makes me wanna vomit. And scream.
I've had hard time with studying today, because it's become hella lot harder. Road through hell and back. I don't know why, but whoops, this nerdy machine broke c":

Studies? :"") No, screw you. Can I find a proper job without studies? Of course I can... Right?

Studies always sounded fun, now it seems like 5 another years of tortures, and I ain't no masochist.

I DO RESLISE everyone has to go to school and I'm literally the milionth person to say this. That some of them have worse problems with school.

But ngaah, I'm so confused, what happened to me, what broke, that I despise education this much now. At least I still find some plesure in history... It's interesting, ain't it?

Okay, but is anyone here that doesn't complain on a school's systhem a bit? Is anyone 100% okay with this? Raise your hands or complain with me.

They want us to be creative, but creative their way, to fit in a short card of answers. Perfect society, pefect answers, robot people.

I've had English text and forgot the word "stick" (I had to translate it into English), so wrote "this small wooden stuff Asians use to eat, so they probably have hell with eating rice, but at least they do it with grace"... Wonder if I'll get points for this lmao.

Maybe it'll change, my moods change very often, but dear Lord... I'm so done with education now, it's terrifying. Where are my ambitions, wanting knowledge?? Knowledge is fun.
Ok, I hope it'll change... At least I have good grades now... For now...

Oh, play "Another Brick in The Wall, pt. 2", while reading this 🐴


To brighten up mood a little...

Anaria, my first OC, my personification in an OC, representing me, my personality, which I got my nickname after, is having her birthday today. Wohoo!


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Happy birthday, you idiot! 💜🎉

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Happy birthday, you idiot! 💜🎉

Yup, she has both human and wolf form c:

She evolved through years, her look and personality. Anaria Cleo Whiter. She's kicking me now for sharing her personal stuff here, but smiling anyway. Grumpy idiot. Ah.

Should I write more about her?

A: Leave me the hell alone and don't talk about me in here without my permission! Dammit.

Shut up. Should I?

A: *sighs*

Also OMG, I've realised this randombook hit 3k views, than you guys, you're amazing!! 3000 people getting involved in my life somehow... Woah, amazing.

Are you okay with the fact I post so little about classic rock (or music in particular) recently? qwq I don't feel like it now.

Okay, that's all for now~ wish me good luck with studying.

Goodbye, y'all!


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