21 | Dear Fear

71 12 22

Yeah, hello everyone

I was tagged by JxhnPxlJxnes to write a letter to one of my emotions — so i chose fear...

Dear fear,

I've known you for so long. I know how important you are for us, people, that you teach us how to remain careful and avoid the Unknown, the danger.

But there is too much of you — your mission was to save us, keep us alive, and it turned out you bring us down more, or should I say me?

I'm so sorry for this, but the truth needs to be told right in your face, yeah?

You just... *crossed, messy words* do you know? Do you know? I fear to speak to my closests ones, I fear to move, I fear to do anything, because there is too much overthinking, too many visions of catastrophe, which leads me to the point where my mind is just too tangled.

I fear my own thoughts.

I fear to be happy nowadays because I doubt there is a happiness that can't be destroyed for me. All because of you.

*More crossed words* Get your shit together, do your job better, don't lurk in the worst corners of people's mind, fuck.

You should make us fear death, not life.

Your dearest,


Yeah, that was edgy xd

But I just let it out for 3 minutes so yeah. Fear is one of the shittiest emotions

Aand I tag everyone that wants to do it idk

On the contrary, my day was pretty good!

On the contrary, my day was pretty good!

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Not as good as this photo though

^Not as good as this photo though

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Buy me a Corgi?? Please??

I had Wish You Were Here stuck in my head for the entire day, but I can't really mind (that good kind of song 💜), because I love Pink Floyd so v much and... Shit, I need to listen to their entire discography before Waters' concert. Yes.

Ghahaha, I ship Roger Waters x Rick Wright so much, dunno even why


I'm going to sleep, so goodnight/day/five-year plan/anything 🌼


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