Chapter One

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I was laying in my small cage wishing I could just be free.
"All the tests are failing we need to find away to unrepress her vampire genes" I overheard a voice say. It startled me to a point when the doctor pulled me from my cage I started to put up a fight. There was a low deep growl as I watched them pull the only turned vampire they had out of his cage. Once free I watched in horror as I saw the vampire sink his fangs into the doctor draining him dry. He then proceeded to drain every human in the room dry except me. He looked at me with beautiful golden eyes which seemed to draw me in. He grabbed my hand and we made a run from the horrible place. Once far away we hid in a cave just in case the guards were chasing us.
"Why have they been taking your blood" The vampire asked catching me of guard.
"I overheard them say something about repressed vampire genes" I say not looking him in the eye. His eyes widen as if he realized who I was.
"I was told she died years ago" he mumbled then grabbed my hands and looked at my wrists. On my left wrist on the inside was my birthmark. It looked like a crescent moon. As his eyes landed on it he quickly bowed before me.
"Im sorry my lady I didnt realize it was you" he said offering me is blood from his wrist. I took a step back looking confused and scared.
"You are Cassie Victorian, the pureblood Princess of all vampires" he said as my eyes widen.
"I can't be a vampire princess. There is no way im just a human" I say whispering. He looked up at me in shock at my sudden confused state.
"You don't remember" he said bluntly. I didn't say anything and he walked up to me.
"Drink, it will unlock your memories and your true form" he said. I was about to object, but he put his wrist against my mouth causing some blood to get on my tongue. I took a big gulp then pushed him away as my throat started to feel like it was on fire. I gaged and started coughing as I fell on the ground in intense pain.
"Sir why does it hurt" I say as I start choking.
"Its awaking your true form and my name is Jake" He said coldly. I passed out from the pain.
It was like I was in a vast emptiness.
"Cassie you need to fight" a male voice said. I gasped as it seemed like a door opened and I walked in. Standing there in front of me was a little girl with my purple eyes and fair pale skin, and a young looking man.
"Cassie I'm suppressing your vampire self in order to save you" the man said to the little girl. She looked like she was about to cry and that she was about 5 years old.
"But, father I don't want to leave you" she said in a voice small and fragile like.
"Cassie you are the future. You need to be protected more than me" he said as he touched her face softly. She started crying as if she would never see him again.
"Please don't make me go" she begged as he picked her up and mumbled a few words. Then the whole scenery changed to something darker. I looked around and saw the little girl only a little younger standing over a boy a little younger than her.
"Why are you here peasant" she yelled flashing her fangs. The boy flinched then a vampire who looked twenty-ish walked in front of the boy.
"Princess Cassie please leave Lucien alone it's not his fault he was born human. You know the only way to truly unlock his blood is for him to be bound to you for eternity" the person said.
"I'll never love a human" the little girl yelled causing the ground to shake before she took off running to the castle. The scenery faded away into darkness again. I looked around to see that a new memory was starting. There was the little girl again this time with an older boy and she looked about 3 now. She and the boy were playing alone on the edge of the woods. She fell and the boy leaned down and kissed her scraped knee. Suddenly out of nowhere there was a large black wolf. The girl screamed as the boy was lunged at by the wolf. It had the boy by his throat and bit down hard and violently shook him til his neck snapped.
"Sam" she cried out as she let out an ear shattering scream. The wolf ran off as collapsed over the boy's dead body. She shook as a ring of fire circled them as she sobbed. An older man came running and started crying over them.
"How could you leave me big brother" the girl screamed before passing out. The scene faded and the little girl was smiling and playing with a human girl.
"You're my best friend" she said softly. They were playing and went to go swim in the lake. It was deep but the little girl knew how to swim but the human girl didn't. She screamed as she started to drown. The little girl tried to save her but didn't reach her in time. She pulled the girl's lifeless body from the lake as she cried. Her hands started to glow a odd blue color. The blue glow went into the human girl's soaked body. It coursed through her as she started moving some. The girl stopped crying as she brought the human back to life and passed out from shock. Then everything went completely black except for a small pale grow in the distance. I walked towards it in hope for some answers.

Rose Thorn Crown Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now