Chapter Eighteen

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I woke up but my eyes were still closed and I was burning up.
"Doctor cassie has been out for three days and her temperature as skyrocketed. Why hasn't she woken up and why does she have a fever?" I heard Lucien's voice ask. My eyes shot open as pain coursed through my body. I screamed catching the Doctor and Lucien's attention.
"Cassie!" Lucien said as he leaned down and kissed me. The pain eased as my temperature lowered as I kissed back. He looked surprised as he asked "is it that time?? To?".
"Her first heat has started Sire" the doctor said as I pulled away before curling in a ball from the pain.
"Then I need to fuck her then?" Lucien said which made me look at him with a "fuck me and you'll die" look.
"Sire if you fuck her and cum in her she'll get pregnant and now isn't the best time to produce an heir" the doctor said motioning to the letter on the counter.
"So I have to wait until it's done to keep her safe?" Lucien asked.
"No sire I'm saying that with her head injury that's refusing to heal and the risk of her dying giving birth it's unsafe for her to get pregnant during her first heat" the doctor said as I whimpered crying from the pain in my stomach region.
He called Anamiã in.
"Hey. Can you heal her?" he asked as he directed his eyes toward me.
"I'm sorry but with her in her first heat her body won't accept any kind of form of healing. That's why she's not healing naturally and it's another reason it's unsafe for her to get pregnant at this time" Anamiã said as I reached up and touched the side of me head feeling a wrapping around my head.
"What caused the injury?" Lucien asked as he looked over at me.
"Make the pain stop please" I said as I screamed and started stripping off my clothes.
"She seemed to of hit her head after reading the letter in the garden. She was found on the ground with the letter clutched in her hand" Anamiã said as she floated the letter to herself.
"Read it out loud please" Lucien asked.
"It says Cassandra you're ours and not even your weak mate will save you. You will have our child. Your heat will start in three days and we promise you we will find a way to impregnate you before the year is over and we promise once we are done you'll only know our dicks. Signed S.C" Anamiã read aloud as her eyes got watery just reading it. His eyes widened. ".. I know of that name. damn you and your clan." he said as his eyes go black and glow with a dark red almost black flames coming out of his eyes as he instantly transforms and breathes heavily leaving puffs of black non-harmful smoke in the room.
"Damn that accursed bastard. He's dead flesh now" he said as I whimpered as I tried to stand but the pain made me stumble. Lucien looks at me and catches me from falling as he transforms back and carries me to our new room as he laid us on our bed and held me trying to get me pain under control as I laid there in only my undergarments. I soon fell asleep in his arms. When I awoke Lucien wasn't in bed and then I heard his voice.
"Ik you're in pain so I drew you a bubble bath. Sorry I'm not there there was a meeting about training that one of us needed to attend" he said telepathically. I get up as i feel a wave of heat but no pain yet as I see a bubble bath and some iced rose tea in a straw cup next to the tub. I quickly hop in letting the water warm me up as the bathroom smells like Lucien. I smile as I drink some tea before yelping in pain as a wave of pain and heat hits me hard. My vision blurs as the pain becomes more intense. I drink some more tea as Lucien comes running in here and holds me some.

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