Chapter Fourteen

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Once we had Lucien's suit, Anamiã called her assistant so he can start making my dress. Lucien talked about what design and style he thought the dress should be but they never told me what it was gonna be.
"Wait.. it's her dress let her decide what she wants to wear" he said as he smiled happily at me.
"Love, I want it to be a surprise anyway" I said as I noticed his mother looking bored.
"Mother. What is it?" he said sounding on edge.
"Lucien, can you come with me to get the cake ordered while Anamiã and Cassie order the food" His mother said.
"Sure" he said linking to his mother "what is really wrong?".
"Anamiã has to tell her something super important and she can't tell her with you here because you scare her" his mother linked him back as they started to walk.
"Ahh" he linked back as me and Anamiã headed to the food place.
"Your majesty, I need to tell you something" Anamiã said as she pulled me in an alley. Lucien followed without her knowing.
"Anamiã, what is it?" I asked as she began to cry.
"I'm sorry, the council hired me to make a poison and give it to you in your drink tomorrow to keep you from having a child so that they would have to come back. But after how nice you've been to me I just couldn't do that to you. Please don't banish me too" Anamiã said sobbing on her knees. Lucien said through the link "I got this".
"Anamiã go back to the council and tell them that king lucien says he's coning for them since they have threatened my queen and that you Anamiã will reside as my queen's "friend". Where are they Anamiã?" Lucien said as Anamiã jumped about 10 feet in the air.
"They went to hide in the werewolf realm with the silver bullet pack. I'm not supposed to go see them only link them when the job is done" Anamiã said shaking still crying some.
"Mother. Where is lucius my brother is he still a hybrid between us and them.." he asked as his mother jumped down out of nowhere.
"He's in this realm because he came to see the ceremony of his little brother. And yes he's still a hybrid" his mother said.
Lucien contacted old friend leader of the silver bullets. "hey Mesencrus you have my old council among your pack and they are trying to poison and kill my queen it's Lucien I'm turning in that favor. Trap them and then when I get there I am going to eat them. Can u do that? "Cage them" I mean." he said in a voice I've never heard him use.
"Um mother I'm older than Lucius remember I was born first" he said as he looked at Anamiã as he helped her up.
"You probably won't catch them. They are slicker than you think" Anamiã said as she looked at her wand.
"They're using witches to hide themselves and they'll probably go to another pack probably the only pack who's leader hates you more than you hate yourself" Anamiã said as she dusted off her outfit.
"Oh. Don't worry I'm not just a vampire" he said as he walked outside and undressed completely and said stand back. As he flexed his shoulders and his dragon form take over and rips through my skin putting us on his back.
"Dragon magic is stronger than witch magic" Lucien said lowly. My eyes glowed silver as I took off my dress handing it to Anamiã to hold and I jumped off his back transforming with ease as I extend my wings and lets out a growl.
"This will be bloody fun" I said laughing some at my joke.
"Darn you want their blood to ey? Oh well at least this'll be the first thing to do as king and queen" he said sounding amused.
"she's going to be injured. I just know it and I might lose control and let grandfather's form take over and I'm afraid of what he'll do" Lucien linked to his mother.
"Don't worry about me love. I'm a big strong girl I can handle myself and we have Anamiã to help she can heal us if we get hurt" I said as if me knowing what he said in his head is no big deal.
As he suddenly dived to the ground but came back up and hid eyes were black almost as if lucien was gone but only temporarily and something else had taken over. He spook in an old dead voice."come. The council will pay dearly for what they think think they can do or hahaha attempt to do to my grandson's queen". Anamiã hops on my back as we zoom off in the direction of the werewolf realm.
"Hello Anna how's my son" he said speaking to my dragon.
"Good" I said as we reached the werewolf realm. I noticed a burning bloody village in a distant and Lucien's friend fighting three council members at once while a few witches were casting spells on a few pack members as I see a few vampire bodies but no council leader to be found. He roared and lucien came back "NOOOOO". As he reared his head back and shot jet black flame at the council and witch member forming it around the werewolf pack and weakening the witches and council members severely nullifying the witches magic. I swooped down picking up a few pack members as I did it until I got the whole pack out.
As the pack is cleared he let loose a world wide blast over the area killing everything.
Anamiã healed the injured as I noticed a cut on my leg and I got dizzy before passing out hitting the ground hard.
Lucien flew down and brought Anamiã to me to heal me.
"I can't heal her, there is silver in her cut and I have to dig it out or it will kill her" Anamiã said as she used her wand to pull a broken chunk of a silver dagger out of my leg. She then healed me and I woke up gasping and confused.

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