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Chloe's POV.

The hospital name was written in bold white letters and I felt my palms sweats as I walked into the hospital. I had managed to get mark off my back so that I can go to see Nicholas. I walked into the hotel lobby and straight to the counter "hello, I will like to see Nicholas", I say to the woman popping a gum. "Nicholas who?", she say to me and I leaned closer to her Nicholas Romanov fortune ", I say to her and her eyes widening" the mafia?, how are you related to him?. I'm sorry honey but family members only and even so you cannot breach the security", she say to me and I felt my eyes fill up in tears with frustration "you have to help me please", I say to her and she just nodded. she told someone to take her own place and we sat down on one of the lobby chairs. I related everything to Gemma (her name) and I was surprised when she believed me. "okay dear the only way you can enter the room is If you're a nurse and I can arrange that." she lead me into the changing room and I changed into an over all shrub with a face mask. "it's time to change his iv", she says to me and I nodded.

we reached the top floor and it was swarming with men in black Suits. we both pushed the trolley and and after examining it we were allowed in. I looked around and I could feel my throat tighten when I saw Nicholas in the condition he was in "his head was bandage and his leg he had bruises on his face. I looked around and saw that the girl from before was there and some guards which made it difficult to gather Nicholas in my arms. word couldn't describe how I felt and it took all of my will power not to cry.

After that encounter, I have Gemma my phone number to update me on Nicholas and left the hospital with a heavy hear. soon we left Mexico for Russian and I got call from Gemma updating me on Nicholas. He hasn't woken up from the comma he is in but I still have faith.

One month pass and I still communicated with Gemma on Nicholas.

two month pass and I got calls from Gemma one in a while. I'm still working with Mark but I have lost my enthusiasm and Mark has noticed.

three months pass and that's was when depression set in. I didn't want to talk to anyone and I heard from Gemma one every two months.

four months pass and I started accepting my faith. I heard from Gemma once a month and it was enough for me.

five month pass and I started to feel like my self again. I started smiling again and the calls from Gemma have practically stopped. I still ponder about Nicholas In the back of my mind but I will not allow my self to get depressed again

winter, spring, summer and autumn all passed as they made up a year. its has been a year since I've heard from Gemma concerning Nicholas's health and I still dream of our meeting and reuniting again. Nicholas please wake up.

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This chapter was hard for me to write as a result of the emotions Chloe is going through but we mustn't let her give up hope right?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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