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Chloe's POV.

My phone beeped signaling a message and I just clicked it, I suddenly felt a wave of anger when I saw that he only sent me a I'm sorry text message, In anger I deleted the text message and saw that the twelve hours limit is over and all he could send me was a text message. I took my phone and just drafted my text message

i can see that you're not interested in this relationship anymore, so I'll happily end it for us. Its over Nicholas, I don't want to ever see you again, I guess we weren't meant to be and we'll both find someone else like our real soul mates because it obvious you're not mine.

i finished typing the message and sent it to him and I then deleted his phone number. I called Natasha and told her that were over and surprisingly she agreed that Nicholas didn't deserve me and for me to find someone else.
u decided to head to the cafe today because I had nothing better to do at home, I reached the cafe but was shocked to find it closed. I picked up my phone and dialed my mom's number but it went to voicemail. I was so bored so I just decided to visit another cafe. I entered the cafe and the sweet smell of coffee assaulted my nostrils. I ordered my coffee and sat on on of their seats to drink when I heard someone say hi. I looked up and just gaped. I looked back but saw no one and I wondered how this hunk of a man is talking to me. "hi", I cleared and throat and he gave me a bright smile "mind if I join you?", he says to me and I just nodded "I'm Adam and you are" "Chloe nice to meet you",i take his hand and shook it and during our course of talking, I found out that he runs the cafe and he's single. music to my ears.
"I got to go ", I say to him and he just gazed at me" will it be so random if I ask you out to dinner tomorrow? ", he says to me and I wanted to tell him no but I realised that he's single" I'd love to ", I say to him and he smiled" pick you up by 7pm?",he says to me and after we exchanged phone number and house address, I was on my way.

i reached home and was relived when I saw my mom there. "I went to the cafe but you were not there", I say to her but she told me she had to visit someone and that she was sorry for not telling me. "it's okay", I say to her and then told her that I had ended things with Nicholas and has a date tomorrow "if that's what makes you happy, then go ahead with it", she says to me and I just nodded and smiled. "it makes me happy"

 "it makes me happy"

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I stared at the clock and it was 6:59, any moment from now and the doorbell will ring and that made me have butterflies in my stomach. I didn't know where he was taking me so I decided to dress casually and not fancy. The door bell rang and I yanked open the door. I sighed in relief when I saw that he also dressed casually. "you didn't put on your glasses", I say to him and he just smiled "no i don't wear them sometimes", "where are we going ", I say to him as he walked me to his car" somewhere grand ", he says to me with a smirk and then starts driving. I looked at the place and burst out laughing" you mean that grand place is a pizza place ", I say to him and his gaze fell" you don't like it ", he says and I suddenly felt bad" no!, of cause I like it I mean everyone likes pizza besides all those fancy restaurant is not my style ", I say to him and grateful that his expression has lifted." shall we ", he says to me and then walks me inside.

we ended up ordering two different types of pizza because I wanted chicken and he wanted plain just chatting. I finished 3 slices and ordered a diet soda" want to do this again? ", he says to me and I just nodded.

on our way out I bumped into someone I didn't expect to see." Nicholas ", I say to him grateful that my voice was firm. " aren't you going to introduce us", he says to me and I turned to Adam "Adam meet Nicholas, he's a friend", I say to Adam and I stiffened when I heard Nicholas chuckle. "a friend", he whispered and I suddenly felt uneasy "excuse us, we have to be some where", I say to Nicholas and then practically dragged Adam with me. we were currently on our way home when Adam finally spoke "A friend", he says to me and I winced. I was relived when he chuckled. "you're lucky I'm not the jealous type but rather I'm the possessive type", he says to me and I know that he's seen through me charade. "Okay he's an ex", I say to him and he smiled "we can't start out relationship with lies Chloe", he says to me and I froze. relationship. "let's do dinner at my place tomorrow", he says to me and I agreed.

"I had fun today ", I say to him and he smiled" me too ", I said goodbye and watched him drive off before locking the door. I walked up to my room and just crashed into bed. All that happened today was overwhelming and a little sleep will help clear my head.

i know I know I've  been MIA recently and I want to just say I'm sorry 🙏 and I hope you accept it.

my friend has recently joined watt pad and her account name is @sevenAOB, I'd really appreciate it if you please check out her works and maybe follow her.
hope you enjoy the chapter

please don't hesitate to

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