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Chloe's POV.
I stared out my window as rain fell softly outside. i probably look like a zombie but didn't care. I'm tired and just want to get away from everything. I had earlier sent a text to Adam with me officially breaking up with him and quitting my job and he has been trying to reach me every since then but I'm too tired to argue. "Chloe we need to talk", my mom stated and I looked at her and nodded. She lead me to the couch and I sat down on it. "Chloe baby, I know you're hurting but please you have to stop, please I fear you're going into depression and I don't want you to become suicidal. i-i don't want to loose you Chloe please", my mom pleaded with desperate eyes and I looked at her shocked. i have been focusing in my self and my problems lately that I didn't notice that I was hurting the people near me. I sighed and looked at her and smiled a genuine smile for the first time in forever. "i promise you mum I'd change for you" I told her and she got up and hugged me. "I'd catch up with you later mom, I have to talk to Adam", I stated and she smiled.

i walked back to my room and entered the bathroom. I hadn't taken a bath in a while so when the cold water hit my back i sighed in relief. From now on no more feeling sorry for my self, it time for me to live for me and my mother. After I was done, I dressed in a casual wear and put on light makeup to hid the dark circles and bags under my eyes. After that picked up my car keys and cell phone and drove towards Adam's work place.

I entered the place and looked around my eyes immediately catching Adam as he shouting over the phone at someone. i walked towards him and tapped his shoulders "Adam", I called out softly and he stared at me shocked. "c-chloe", he started but I shook my head "can we talk someplace else", I told him and he nodded. he lead us to another cafe and ordered us coffee. "I'm going to be direct with you Adam, I'm breaking up with you but it not you it me. its the and my treacherous heart that refuse to love anyone except Nicholas", I voiced out and Adam stared at me shocked. "I'm so sorry Adam but I have to come clean. you know the trip we went to, I just used it as an excuse to go and see Nicholas because I heard that he was hurt pretty bad, that was last year. i got to the hospital but he was still in a comma and when he came out of-", my voice waved slightly and I coughed to get rid of it "when he came out of his, he has a suddenly lost his memory. all our memories",  I stated and looked at Adam "we can make this work Chloe, just give me a few months and I'll make sure to clear all Nicholas memories from your mind and fill them with mine because I love you", Adam stated desperately and I shook my head "you don't get do you!, if I stay with you, I feel like I'm just using you".  Adam looked at me dejectedly and sighed "if that is what you want then I'd grant you that but I would never stop loving you. I'll always be here if you need me". I watch him go and sighed. "I'm sorry Adam but the new chapter of my life just don't have enough pages for you in it", I whispered and then soon I was driving home.

i reached home and saw my mom concerned face but just smiled and shook my head "I'm fine mom", I stated and she sighed and pulled me into a hug. "mom I'm really tired and would really like to sleep I'm exhausted", I stated and soon I was on my bed.

Nicholas POV.
I was relaxing on a lounge chair  by the pool thinking of the girl in the picture when a juice was placed on the table beside me "I brought you some juice", jasmine stated timidly but I could see right through her facade. if she wants to play mind games so can I. "thank you jas" i looked at the blush that covered her cheek and smiled. "do me a favour love, go up to my room and help me with my cell phone", I said and she looked at me with a smile and walked away. when she was out of sight, I quickly headed to the wet bar behind me and poured orange juice in it. i came back and switched poured the orange juice she had given me into the pool. I was about to put away the glass when I saw her coming so I had no choice but to also drop the glass in the pool. I rushed to my chair and started drinking my orange juice and from the corner of my eyes I could see how happy she became when she saw me drinking. "here's your phone and um have you remembered anything from your lost memories?", she asked me but this time her smile was forced. "No noting at all and I'm starting to think that I'd never remember", I stated and dropped the glass on the table "maybe it for the best, this is your new life Nicholas", she stated and then excused herself. I watched her go and just shook my head "I want my old life back".

After telling the servants to clean the pool. I wore my clothes and drove towards the coffee woman's house.

i reached there and my heart started beating but I paid no attention to it. I was about to exit my car when the woman shouted something, got in her car and drove off. I exited my car and walked towards the house. I started getting headaches but paid no attention to that, I looked around and tried the door surprised that it was open and walked in. The emotions that flowed through me in the house was so overwhelming that I had to take a few calming breaths. i looked around but saw no one and then I heard it a faint noise coming from the room upstairs. without thinking, I started heading for the noise until I was directly in front of the door. I was about to open it but someone beat me to it and bam. I was standing face to face with a lady that suddenly looked pale upon seeing me "Nicholas", she whispered my name softly and before I could talk, she collapsed in my arms.

yayyyy, they finally met. what do you think is going to happen next?

Sorry for being MIA lately and thank you all for being patient with me and I hope you enjoy this extra long chapter.

don't forget to:






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