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ITALY (Venice).


The sun started filtering through the curtains and the harsh rays glaring into my eyes. I opened them slowly and groaned as I saw that it was morning again which meant I had to go to work again which wasn't much to look at but it helps to put food on my table. I Got out of bed and went to the bathroom, picking up a brush, I brushed my teeth and them gurgled on water to wash away the paste remnant. I got in the shower and let the water flow down sighing in happiness at the warm temperatures of the water. I quickly sponged my body and applied shampoo in my hair washing out the suds. I got out of the shower and went back to my bedroom. I toweled my body and applied cream all over my body. I blow dried my hair and applied some hair product before security it with a hair piece into a bun.

Moving to my pant drawer, I took out a black bra and matching panties and wore it. I decided on overalls today so I wore a black top with my overalls making sure to pick a simple sandals with it. I didn't feel like applying makeup today so i applied lip gloss. I grabbed my purse and put in my wallet, credit card, bus pass, cellular phone, and some loose change.  Leaving my house I also placed my house keys in my purse after locking the door.

I didn't have a car so I always catch the bus there. I went to the bus station and waited. The bus pulled up and I went in making sure to scan my bus pass on the way. I sat down and just started at the scenary by my side. I looked at the people dressed in suits and hurrying to work, the cars were also in that same motion making me smile, I guess this is the normal I signed up for. I pulled at the bus rope when I was at my stop and got down. Sure enough the coffee shop was already buzzing with people who were in the workforce and probably wanted to have some caffeine in them. I quickly went inside and went to the pack of the counter, I picked up my apron and waved at Macy who I turn managed a small wave before she was distracted by a customer again.

A man in a tailored suit walked up to me with a stoic expression "I would like to order coffee, black, no sugar no cream" I nodded at him and got to work on his order, within one minute I was done and handed him his order. He handed me his credit card which I quickly scanned and handed it back to him. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a few notes placing it in my tip jar making me smile at him. He walked away and into the big establishment across the street. I was a little confused because if he has that much money in the first place why did he give me his credit card, not that I'm complaining the money will help in buying groceries.

Macy is my boss and she owns the Coffee shop, she is a really nice person with a good business sense opening her cafe In front of not two but 3 corporate establishments who always stop by before they begin their daily routine at work and they usually tip well. I am also happy for her because her boyfriend Nathaniel proposed to her and they will be getting married next month.

Another customer walked up to me and stated him order making me jump on in right away and making me get by the busy morning rush. By afternoon the school children and other category of people were the one patronizing the cafe. We recently launched a milkshake and mocktail that the students were crazy for, my tip jar was also full so I carried it to my break room arranged the money and placed it in my purse. I went back to return the empty tip jar on the counter, I was really happy today.
"What do you think about this gown?" I tuned to look at Macy and the magazine she was holding. The wedding gown she was showing me was so beautiful, it was lace and had little stones on it that sparkled. "I love it! This is your gown" she smiled and nodded, I think so too. "I call Nathaniel and Trisha...they be so happy I've finally found my dress"

I laughed as she hurried away smiling. Trisha was her chief bride's maid and I know Nathaniel would be please. That guy had a fortune and for him to be a with a coffee shop owner with all his wealth, I know that's true love. I hope to find my Mr right someday also.

It was four o'clock and I already asked to take a leave early because I was going to celebrate a friends birthday.i gathered my things and then headed out. "Bye Macy" I say to the coffee shop owner and she waved back at me smiling. I went to a nearby supermarket and purchase a make-up kit and a gift wrap box. I went to the bus back and had to wait for a little while before I saw the bus. Getting on I headed home.


It was a little after seven and I had successfully wrapped up her gift. I had also showered again and changed into a blue dress. I was putting the finishing touches on my make up when I heard three distinctive gunshots. My hands were trembling when I walked slowly to the window. I really need to get a house on a good neighborhood. I opened the drapes and saw four men towering over a body. I gasped and I could make out their features as it was still a little bright and the street lamppost was also there. The one guy turned to face my window and I quickly ducked. That's the guy in the Tailored suit!. I looked out again and they were gone but the body remained. On shaky legs I went to my purse and brought out my cell phone. I dialled the police.

"911 what's your emergency?" A lady said on the other end of the line.

"I...I just w-witnessed a murder, four men just killed a man close to my house" I stated my breathing not leveled

"Please come down ma'am please tell me your address and we'll be right there and are you outside? If not go back inside, they might still be there"
The person stated with concerned.

"My address is 15 willow Grove and no I'm inside, please hurry". I cut the line and waited, sure enough in two minutes about five police cars arrived. I heard a knock on my door and I quickly went to opened it. "good day ma'am, can we come in?", I nodded and let them in.
"I know it's too soon but can you identify them", I absentmindedly nodded. A man came forward with a sketch pad and pencils. I looked at him in confusion.  "I'm a sketch artist, so I'll help to bring out your character out". I took a deep breath and started to give the features of the four men, one had a scar on the side of his face, another hair was balding in the middle Also.  About two hours or so we were done.  The man showed me the pictures and I nodded. "yes! That's them!" He nodded and walked away.
"We'll be in touch ma'am and I'll suggest you keep a low profile, an officer will be here to check up on you from time to time" I nodded and they all left. I removed my dress and changed into a Nightshirt. There goes the party. My phone was ringing nonstop with the  girls calling me to ask were I was but I didn't pick up replaying the events in my head.

1 Week later.
I've been in this house for one week. Relying on groceries and now I'm almost out. I finally mustered up courage and send an apology text messages to all of them. Lying that I was a little sick. I also messaged Macy and she told me to take all the time i needed. I heard a knock on my door and went to wards it. Peeping through the peephole. I opened it and two detectives were there.

I let them in.  "Good day ma'am, well the criminals has been caught..... would you like to testify in court?" My heart seized and I shook my head " I can give a written testimony but not in court..i-i can't" he nodded. "I understand, are you able to take, Jerome here will jot it down"

I narrated everything to him and the other was writing down my statement. After we were done, he thank me and left.

The trial started three days later and after everything they were all charged with second degree murder and given Ten years.

I decided to leave the country and go back to Russia to my mother. I ended giving my gift to Tracy the birthday girl and I quit my job. I said goodbye to all of them and got on the plane to Russia.


Chloe's story.

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