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Chloe's POV.

The rest of the days went by and before I knew it, it was Saturday.

I stayed at home and just looked for something decent. I ended up with a knee length blue gown, black leggings and a white monkey jacket.

Nicholas told me that he's going to be picking up by 10:00am so that the date will be long. Right on schedule I heard my door bell ring as the clock hit ten. To my relief, he also dressed casually by wearing a sweater and gray pants. "You look great", he says to me and I blush. 'You too", I say to him and watch his face develop into a smirk. "Let's go', he says to me and lead me into his car.

The silence in the car was broken when he put on the radio. I was relived when we pulled up into a local restaurant. "I have never liked fancy restaurants. This is where I always go to eat", he says to me and then lead me inside.

The interior of the place was beautiful. The walls were painted gold and the tables and chairs were a deep red. "Its beautiful", I say to him and his whole face lit up.

"Nichol", a woman of 60-70 years says and then moves in for a hug.

"Hi jenny", he says to the woman and my heart swelled with how much love he displayed for the woman. "Chloe this is my adoptive grandma jenny but people here call her grandma jenny and jenny this is Chloe my date", he says to me and then the woman. Like Nicholas, she pulls me into a hug and pinch my cheeks. "This is the first time my Nichol has brought a girl to meet me. You must be special to him", she says to me and I felt the heat climb up my face.

After our introduction, she lead us to a table and served us Nicholas favourite dishes. I was so full that if I took a single drop of water, I would explode and looking at Nicholas. I knew that he felt the same way. Soon my body started to loosen up and then we erupted into a conversation. We talked about many things like my favourite books, designer, artists, color, food, sports, movies and so on and then we would assist grandma jenny with some work.

I looked at the clock in the restaurant and was shocked to see that it was 7:00pm. "How long have we been talking for?', I asked him and he grimaced. "Let's leave now, the day is almost over and I still have a lot to show you", he says to me and after bidding farewell to grandma jenny, we exited the restaurant.

"A storm is coming", I say to Nicholas as the weather turned cold and the sky, a dark shade of grey. "Come let's go to my c-", the words have barely left Nicholas's mouth before it started to rain. Heavily. We quickly hurried into the car and by the time we were in the comfort of the car, our bodies were soaking wet. I looked at Nicholas's scowl on his face and started laughing. Soon Nicholas face lit up and then he stated laughing with me. "I'll make the most of this day", he says to me and then started driving. Very soon we pull up into this gorgeous house and I had no doubt, it was Nicholas's. "Nice house", I say to him and he just smiles." Glad you like it ", he says to me and then we had to enter the rain to get inside.

He lead me to a room. It was blue and black and I had no doubt that it was his. "You can go to the bathroom and remove these wet cloths. If you're done tell me", he says to me and then lead me to the bathroom. After removing my wet cloths. I wrap a towel around me grateful that its long and then exited with my wet clothes. "Here put these on and give me your wet cloths. I'll put them in the drier", he says to me and I complied. When he was gone, I entered the bathroom again and put on the grey sweater and boxers.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw Nicholas searching his drawer. His upper torso was bare and I noticed his tattoo. "You're tattoo is beautiful", I say to him and he swiftly turns around and smiled. "Thanks", he says to me and then moves towards me. He cups my cheeks and then locked lips with me.

After that he pulls away and I just blushed like crazy. "Let's watch something", he says to me and then leads me to his bed. He used the remote to turn on the TV and then we started watching iron man together cuddled up. Several moments later. He was dead to the world and so was I.

Isaac's POV. (Nicholas junior bro).

"Are you sure about this", I say to the investigator and he just nods, finally I know who rat us out to the police in Italy. It was none other than Chloe. "I'll go tell Nicholas now", I say to the investigator as I could control my fury. The drive to Nicholas house is a little far but I can manage. I have already reach for the door when I felt a stinging pain in my back.

Investigator's POV.

"W-why?", Issac says to me as i threw the bloodied knife on the floor. "I work for Luther and he has told me to send Nicholas a painful message for daring to kill Alex gray, his brother and now I'll finished the job.

I took out my gun and shot him 4times in the chest and then slit his throat. I smirked as I watched the last light leave Issac eyes signaling that he was dead. I decided to leave the information with Isaac concerning Chloe and walked out.


Awwwwww, Isaac is dead.

And how do you think this will affect Chloe and Nicholas's relationship?

Especially when he's about to see the evidence linking Chloe to the Italy case.

Sorry for the errors

This book has not been edited

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