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wednesday day night i was out with douglas when i lost track of time. we were at his house watching movies when i realised it was 11 o'clock. my mom didn't mind me staying over douglas's on the weekend, but if it were a school night i had to be home by 10. it was past 10. my mom was going to kill me. i thanked douglas for the lovely evening and rushed out the door.

when i finally made it to my apartment my mom was waiting for me.

"adalia, oh thank god." she called out to me as she ran over and gave me a hug, while rubbing my hair. after a few seconds she finally let go and started pacing.

"do you have any idea what time it is? I was worried sick about you!" i rolled my eyes as she spoke; i was expecting this.

"sorry, mom, i was at douglas's and i lost track of time." i explained as i walked to my bedroom.

"oh douglas. i never trusted that boy. when he would hang around with andy, i knew there was something fishy about him. he'd always be talking about different girls and stuff he wanted to do with them. he's going to hurt you. you're to good for him."

i stopped dead in my tracks. douglas wasn't good enough for me? hell, i wasn't good enough for him. it took me two and a half years to get his attention and 3 to actually get a date with him. I didn't deserve him. "how would you know what's good for me? from what it looks like you know nothing about love. you married a man who picked his job over his family. he didn't love us or you. i love douglas, mom." i knew i didn't love douglas but i hoped it would persuade my mom that he was good for me.

"get out." what? she wants me to leave?


"you heard me. get out." i knew i shouldn't have mentioned my father.


"get out." she was yelling now and i felt tears starting to prickle down my cheeks. i ran into my room quickly grabbed a bag, threw random clothes in and left.


i had know idea where i was going to stay. i drove around in the rain for about 2 hours but just ended up right outside my apartment building. i thought to go to douglas but I didn't want to annoy him. also i didn't want him to question why i left in such a rush and just came back later. i even considered going to my dads but who knows how he'd react to me finally staying with him. the only other person i could think to go to was logan but it was around 1:30 now and he'd probably be asleep. worth a try.


when i came to logan's apartment i was dripping from the rain. i lightly knocked on the door, not expecting for it to be heard. just as i was turning back i heard the door creak open and despite the situation, grinned widely. logan was standing at the door in only boxers. his hair was all over the place, making it easy to notice that he had just woken up. as he spoke his voice was raspy, "adalia, what are you-"

i cut him off by running up to him and wrapping my arms around his waist, letting the tears drip freely from my eyes. we stood there for a while with me sobbing into his chest, as logan rubbed my back comforting me. after about what felt like hours he pulled away.

logan's pov

when adalia arrived at my front door i didn't know what to think. i swear if douglas laid a finger on her i'd kill him. i was happy to see adalia but I hated seeing her like this. she looked broken, damaged, destroyed. i couldn't help but embrace the warmth she gave me as she quickly wrapped her arms around me. even though i had no idea what happened i could tell she was hurt and did my best to try and comfort her. after about 7 short minutes of hugging her i pulled away.

"logan, i know this is sudden but please, please, please, please can i stay here for awhile. my mom-" she was cut off when a sob escaped her mouth, which immediately caused me to become distressed. "s-she kicked me out. i'll only stay for a while until i find somewhere else to go or my mom takes me back in. please?"

both grief and anger filled my body. she seemed so vulnerable right now; standing in front of me practically begging for me to let her stay. i couldn't help but grow angry at her mom for doing this to her, for putting her in this position,"of course you can stay. "

i slowly grabbed her hand and led her into my bedroom. my mom was on a business trip but i knew she wouldn't mind if adalia stayed, considering she was my only friend. then i reached over and took her bag away, placing it on the ground near my bed. i sat down on my bed and patted the spot next to me motioning for her to sit down. she accepted and made her way over. once she was comfortable i decided to speak up, "do you wanna talk about it?"

adalia carefully nodded to my question. she opened her mouth to speak but then slowly closed it again.

"i-i was supposed to b-be home at 10 but when i got home it was 11," she paused to sniffle. "when i told my mom i was at douglas's and-and just lost track of time she started getting a-angry. she told me I was too good for him, that he would only hurt me. since i was irritated with her I flipped out and said she knew nothing-g a-about love and that that's why my father left her. s-so," at this point adalia broke down. she started bawling. i slowly wrapped my arms around her and pulled her face down to my chest. "s-so she kicked me out."

after she had finished explaining i took this moment as a chance to comfort her. i pulled away and dipped my head down to get her to look into my eyes.

"adalia, you can stay here as long as you need; my mom won't mind. don't worry about your mom, she'll turn around. i know she'll ask you to come back in no time." i softly smiled at her. which she returned. she sniffled once more and i brought her head to my chest. i laid back, bringing adalia with me. when i went to talk to her I realized she had fallen asleep on top of me, and slowly drifted into sleep myself.

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