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the next few days douglas kept bumping into me in the school hallways, reminding me of our date. it was finally friday and i was excited to get out of school for the weekend.

logan and i hadn't talked since tuesday but i figured if he still wanted to hang out he'd just come up to my apartment.

it was last period and there was 10 minutes left of class. of course my biology teacher decides to pile a boatload of homework onto us since it was a long weekend.

the teachers had professional days monday and tuesday so we weren't going to have school.

after the seemingly long 10 minutes the bell rang. i headed to my locker, then quickly rushed out of this torturous hell-hole they call school.

on my out of the front doors logan's hand landed on my shoulder. "hey adalia, wait up," he said rushing to get by my side.

i smiled realizing he had warmed up to me more since our awkward encounter last saturday.

"oh hey logan, what's up?"

"we're still hanging out today right?"

"yes of course."

"well, do you want to walk home together?" i nodded as he followed me out the doors of the school.

we walked together silently, logan being so close to me that we kept occasionally brushing shoulders. i didn't mind it thought and shortly after we finally arrived at the apartment complex.

i wasn't sure if we were going to his apartment or mine and when i was about to ask logan spoke up, "your place or mine?"

i thought for a while about this. i had never been to logan's house before so i decided we should go there, "yours."

i wasn't sure what we were going to do there, but i wouldn't mind if we just talked. logan was interesting and i wanted to figure him out.

he suggested we watch some movies and i agreed. he sat me down in the living room and left. logan then came back about 5 minutes later with a stack of movies in his hand. he laid them out on the couch, "pick one."

it surprised me that logan wouldn't pick considering he usually wasn't around people often. "i'm uh.. i don't know what you like to watch."

"i'll watch anything, i've already seen all these movies anyway."

i then settled on easy a because i was in the mood for a romance movie, but i figured logan would rather want to watch a comedy. he groaned at my choice and then mentioned, "i guess i haven't seen all these movies."

"you've never seen easy a?!"

"that's right. i think i've been dreading it actually." i laughed as he let out a chuckle and then put the disk into the dvd player.


we were half way through the movie and i was laughing at a part where amanda bynes was acting like her crazy bitch self, when i realized logan staring at me.

i contemplated whether to ask him about it or just ignore it but my curiosity got the best of me. "what are you looking at logey pogey?"

"logey pogey?" he chuckled.

"i don't know i just thought it was funny, now spit it out."

"it's just uh you have a cute laugh," he blushed and i also felt a blush making it's way up my neck as well. i then smiled widely and thanked him.


we soon got tired with the movie and decided to play a few board games. logan got out a bunch of games and chose twister as our first game to play.

"you better watch out, i'm the champ at this game."

"oh really, i take that as a challenge little girl." he emphasized the little girl so it sounded like he was trash talking, which made me laugh.

we started the game by logan spinning the wheel, "left foot blue," and so it began.

after a while logan had run out of body parts to spin the wheel with so he had to use his tongue, which caused a heap of laughter to come from my mouth.

i had laughed so hard that i collapsed onto logan, landing on his

chest. logan's eyes met mine and I shivered from the seductive look he gave me. he sat up with me still on his chest, "you're so beautiful."

this caused me to blush, and i was caught in the moment as i leaned in to kiss him. logan leaned in as well, but that's when I realized. i'm dating douglas. i think? were we even dating? whether we were or not i couldn't do this to him. i hesitantly pushed logan away and quickly stood up.

"i-i have to..uh go," i said as i stumbled on my words.

"adalia, wait i-," but before he could finish i was already out the door.

how could i feel this way about anyone else? i wasn't sure if i was dating douglas but i put that on my checklist to ask sunday. how could i be so selfish? why would i even think about doing that? and with logan?

i scrambled into my apartment and threw my bag down. right then there was a knock, scratch that pounding at the door.

i sauntered over to the door curious of who it could be even though i had a good feeling of who it was. i opened the door just enough, when the body slammed through the door, past me and to the couch.


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