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logan's pov


all i could think about right now was adalia and how nervous i felt for her.

i wanted adalia to be mine ; but i also wanted her to be happy, and if she was happy with douglas then i should be happy too.

it was currently 6:37, adalia's date with douglas was at 7.

i observed as she walked from her bedroom and down the hallway. she was very dressed up and looked gorgeous, like she was trying to prove that douglas hadn't affected her.

i suddenly felt as if i was adalia's father, and it was the day of the senior prom. she dresses up, then he watches her as she is taken by another man and will no longer stay with the man that will always miss her. the senior prom is the start of adulthood, it's the day that you start getting ready to leave.

adalia will leave, no matter how much i want her to stay. she will never stay with me forever because i cannot compare to douglas or any other guy.

the more i think about it, the more i realize i am like a father to adalia, i keep her in control and make sure she makes the right choices. then, one day i'll watch as she grows up and leaves.

i do not want to be adalia's father. i do not want to watch her leave, i want to be the one leaving with her.

"lia, you look beautiful," as i speak i spectate her face mimicking mine, heat rushing up to cover our cheeks. "are you uh going to forgive douglas?"

"i don't know, i might. i mean, he was drunk, he probably couldn't control himself. logan, i've wanted this for a long time, i'll just see if he can make it up to me." i cringed, that was not the answer i had hoped for.

"okay, well, i'll support you, as long as you're sure the decision you're making is the right one," i spoke, faking a smile.

slowly i leaned in and left a soft kiss on her forehead. "thanks logs," she said, then grabbed my hand, intertwined our fingers and rushed us out of the apartment door.

as we stumbled down the stairs i tried to savour the moment, but adalia seemed oddly excited for her date and practically dragged me down the stairs.

once at my junky old car's doors adalia jumped in, unfortunately without letting me open the passenger door for her. i sped over to the driver's side and jumped in as well.


since adalia has been living with me we have become a lot closer so we spoke the whole car ride.

when we arrived at the park i felt the conversation was far from over but adalia seemed to think other wise as she leaped out of my car.

i quickly followed suit and bolted out of the car, making my way over to her.

"adalia, remember i will be waiting in the parking lot, text me if you need anything, okay?" i asked using her full name so she'd take me seriously.

"of course, um do you think i should forgive douglas?"

"honestly?" she nodded, confirming i should tell her the truth. "no, i don't think you should. lia, he hurt you once, there's no guarantee he won't do it again. i think you deserve better than him ; but if you're happy with douglas then i'm happy too."

"thank you logan, i'll think about and talk to him."

she walked towards me to give me a hug when she tripped on a rock in the road. i immediately moved my hands forward and grabbed her waist to keep her from falling.

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