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logan's pov

adalia is destroyed.

that guy, that animal has destroyed her.

he is a monster, hidden in a human body, looking for someone else to consume.

adalia is convinced that it was the alcohol, that caused him to do this ; i think, he had this in him the whole time and he just became sick of hiding it.

she has not left my side for the past three days ; she needs my protection.

her arms have been latched around my torso, or her hand has been glued to my hand.

it is tiring, looking out for her, but i will always do that. i will always be here for adalia.

today was our first day without going to school ; she didn't want to face him, she couldn't face him.

douglas hadn't spoken to her since he damaged her. since she'd become a little less than perfect.

of course i loved the time with her, but she needed closure. she needed for him to explain what came over him that night and then forget about him.

whenever adalia has given me the chance to be alone, i have been speaking to lacey. i have been explaining everything to her since adalia will not pick up her phone, in fear.

douglas constantly calls, but she never picks up. she cannot build up the strength to speak to him after what he has done.

she keeps her phone off so that she is not tempted by the calling, she is not ready yet.

adalia is cuddling up to me on the couch as we watch some sappy romance movie that will end up making her cry.

she is stuffing her face with chocolates like she has been doing for the past few days when i feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.

adalia's pov

"come on logan, can't we just watch the movie," i groan with a handful of chocolate in my mouth.

"unknown caller," he says then clicks the answer button.

i hear mumbling on the side of the phone and watch as logan's eyes go wide.

i begin to make out the words, "listen here prick, let me speak to adalia. i know she's fucking with you. let me explain."

my eyes begin to water, this is so unexpected. how did he get logan's number? i don't want to talk to him.

my mind begins racing, my breathing hitches.

i watch as logan holds his hand to the phone, "adalia, it's do-"

"i know," i cut him off. i can do this.

i quickly yank the phone from logan's hands.

"yes?" i speak into the phone.

"adalia, i am so fucking sorry. i was drunk and angry, you know i didn't mean it. please i won't ever do it again. come meet me tonight, at the park, i want to make it up to you," he rambled.

i simply answered 'okay' then hung up the phone, not being able to process any other words.

logan immediately asked what he said, then i explained,"i'm going to just listen to what he has to say. i have to give him a chance logan."

"why? answer that for me. why do you have to give him a chance?" i couldn't make out what emotion he was expressing, jealousy?

"because i've wanted this for a long time and i'm not going to just throw it away."

"okay fine, but make sure you put me on speed dial because i will not hesitate to come to your rescue."

i laughed, "okay."

"okay," he nodded.


for the rest of the night we continued to watch our movie.

the whole time my mind was roaming, trying to plan out exactly what i wanted to say or do.

i didn't know if i wanted to slap him, the way he slapped me, and get revenge. or if i wanted to just ignore what he says and say what i wanted to say. or if, maybe, i could give him another chance and accept what he wanted to say.

it is all to much for me. a seventeen year old should not have to deal with this.

i haven't even been able to leave this apartment in fear of facing him, what makes me believe that i can face him now.

if it weren't for logan i would have gone insane by now. he saved me. i would have broken down and been sent away to some unbearable place.

i need to stay strong, for logan, because without me, logan has no one, and without logan i have no one. we need to stay strong for each other.


"logan," i whispered at the end of the movie.

"ya," he nodded for me to go on.

"thank you so much. without you logan, i might only be a memory by now. i could be long gone from here, whether in a mental center or no longer on earth. you've kept me here logan, and i cannot thank you enough for that. i love you for sticking around and being there for me when a lot of people aren't. you can't even imagine all you've done for me," i spoke carefully, manoeuvring my way around the words, to make sure he knows how much i appreciate him.

"actually i can adalia, you're my only friend. you are the only one here for me. i mean you had lacey and even douglas, but i never had anyone. and i was getting to the point that i was about to leave, but meeting you kept me here and i can't thank you enough either."

i nod, tears glossing over my eyes. stay strong adalia, for logan.

we then stop talking, there was no need for words, we already knew that just having each other, was enough.

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