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logan's pov

when we arrived at the apartment building i departed the car without speaking a word to adalia. i made my way to the doors of the building, not looking back once to check if she was following.

racing up the stairs, i finally made it to my apartment quickly reaching the door, and bursting inside. shutting the door i stomped to my couch, sitting down as i let out a sigh.

after i had planted myself on the couch, i had realized a dark-haired lacey sitting on the chair across from me.

"surprise," she spoke, giggling as she did so.

quickly i rose from the couch to lock the door, then turned back to smile at her. the smile on her face slowly faded, "what was that for?"

"adalia and i just got in an argument and i don't want her to burst in here and find you," i said, carefully trying to find the correct words, then adding, "no offense."

"aw logan, is there anything i can do to-," i cut her off as i finally began to process her auburn-tinted brunette hair.

slowly, walked over to lacey i delicately brought my hand up to touch her hair, "what made you do this?" i asked with a chuckle.

"you don't like it?" she stroked her hair as she looked down shyly.

"like it?" i shook my head slightly, "i love it lace."

"really?!" her face lit up as the words slipped from my lips.

slowly, i sauntered over to her taking her face in my hands,"it fits you perfectly," i spoke before delicately connecting her lips to mine. 

a knock, more like pounding, at the door put a stop to our embrace. "shit," i mumbled under my breath as i heard adalia's voice on the other side of the door.

"hide in the bathroom?" i said to lacey as if it were a question, displaying a smile on my face to soften the words.

"logan, are you insane? i am not hiding in the bathroom-"

"open up logan we need to talk," adalia's voice chimed in as lacey gestured for me to go open the door. i inhaled a sharp breath as i pulled open the door, just enough for adalia to slip through. as she tried her hardest to seem intimidating as she struggled to get through the door.

"you complete ass-, lacey?" shit.

"hey, lia..." her voice drifted off.

"what are you..."

"i came here to check on you," a sigh of relief escaped my mouth as lacey spoke the words. "yea, logan told me that you two got in a fight, i couldn't even believe it when he told me. he was so worried about you adalia, but he didn't want to come talk to you and end up saying the wrong thing." lacey truly never ceases to amaze me.

adalia looked up at me and then at lacey with widened eyes, most likely at her new hair, which she chose to ignore as she looked back at me, "can we just talk?"

i glanced towards lacey who had an ensuring look on her face and then nodded. "this girl, is she really that special?"

my cheeks immediately flushed a crimson red, because little did adalia know that girl was in this room. as i chose my next words, i spoke as if i were talking to lacey herself, "lia, you cannot fathom how special this girl is. she is gorgeous and exotic. she is unlike anyone i've seen before, she understands me. that girl is the definition of perfection, hell, she is a step up from perfection."

i glanced over to lacey once again, seeing her face displayed with a small smile. looking back to adalia she spoke again,"how? how could you meet a girl that makes you seem to lose all your feelings for me within a few days? i don't understand logan, how could anyone but me like some loner like you? i mean come on, you're an outsider, a loser, but not to me logan. i bet if your 'special girl' saw you talk to yourself in the mirror or saw how you were banged around in school she wouldn't like you. she doesn't know you logan."

staring at adalia intensly i let out words that struggled to come out," i may not have known her that long, but i sure as hell know that she knows me well enough to know that those words would hurt me. that those words just intensify my insercurities. she would never say something like that to me. ever."

after i stuttered the words out, i saw something flash in adalia's eyes. regret? or realization? lacey looked at her with a disapointed expression, "i think you should go."

adalia nodded at lacey as a single tear fell from my eye.

once adalia pulled the door shut lacey walked over to me and stared into my eyes,contemplating the emotion they held. after about a minute of silence she quickly wrapped small arms around me. my arms immediately clung to the fabric on her waist. i positioned my head into the hollow of her neck and began to weep.

there we sat without a single word. only the thoughts that clouded our minds were to be heard as we stood in each others arms.

an; extremely sorry for the long wait. i haven't updated in five-six months! this is such an emotional chapter and i'm sorry its so short but i didn't want to forget about it in the midst of writing it.

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