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logan's pov

adalia had called lacey a little after noon and lacey and i both knew she wouldn't stop bothering us until i agreed to go home.

the events of last night kept replaying in my head as i looked over at lacey. how did i, logan, the freak of the school, manage to get such a beautiful girlfriend like her?

quickly she noticed i was staring, "what?"

"you're so beautiful," my cheeks tinted pink as well as hers did.

"thanks, so are you," she giggled.

strolling over to her i grabbed her waist backing her into the wall. "how did i get such a perfect girlfriend?"

"i don't know, you must be special," she smirked.

"ha you're funny," i spoke sarcastically.

gently, i moved my left hand up to cup her cheek as the other remained on her waist. as we both leaned in i moulded my lips to hers. the kiss was slow and passionate and i never wanted it to stop. unfortunately, about fifteen seconds into the kiss lacey got a text.

lacey and i both pulled away knowing it had to be adalia. she quickly checked her phone to make sure and in fact it was her. "to be continued?"

she nodded then i pecked her cheek before opening the door and leaving.


leaving lacey's apartment building, i pulled a cigarette and my lighter from my back pocket quickly igniting the end of the cigarette.

i lifted my hand to my swollen lips and sucked in the perfect amount of nicotine. exhaling the smoke, my body relaxed and i felt extremely calm for when i arrive home.

lacey's apartment was only about five minutes away, which was just a plus to my feelings for her.

when i arrived i quickly departed my car only to see adalia waiting for me by the window. i pretended i didn't see her and stomped on my cigarette defusing the light.

slowly, i made my way up stairs almost dreading the conversation i was about to have.

turning the door knob, i opened the door, walking through without question. i was caught of guard as i walked in and adalia was sitting on the couch staring blankly at me, "oh my god adalia. don't sneak up on me like that!"

she didn't speak, only patting the seat next to her. i made my way over sitting down without a word slipping from my lips.

spectating, i noticed her face becoming soft as she spoke, "logan," she paused, "i am so fucking sorry. you've been there for me this whole time and i couldn't be more grateful for that."

"lia, did everything go well with douglas? did he hurt you?" i panicked, she looked like she was about to cry.

again without saying anything,

she scooted over to me, pressing her arms delicately to my chest. resting her head on my body i felt the vibrations as she began to sob, "i don't want to lose you log."

softly i stroked her hair, "it's fine, just tell me what happened."

"he was so angry. he was y-yelling at me. my a-arm," she rambled, "he left a-a bruise on my arm."

she tried to add more but just ended up crying even harder, "can i see your arm?"

slowly, her arms moved to the hem of her shirt lifting it over her head. she turned so i could get full view of her right arm.

purple and blue outlines of a hand were wrapped around her forearm. lightly brushing my finger over it i asked, "does it hurt?"

"like hell," she nervously chuckled a sympathetic smile displayed on her face.

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