Chapter 5

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Another short one, I'm sorry, it's just the one scene I wanted to put again.


I wake up with a headache and extreme pain in my left arm. I hiss after brushing my underarm on my side, obviously disturbing the wounds.

"You're awake," an unfamiliar female voice states, followed by the too loud slamming of the door.

"I also have a headache, please slam the door a little quieter," I request in a rude tone, but not caring as long as it gets my point across.

"I'm sorry," she apologizes, adding a sympathetic tone to her voice. She carries around a clipboard like it's her life source, never putting it down when she goes to do something, looking at it occasionally.

"How are you feeling?" She asks, trying to make small talk. She has her back turned to me while she digs through a cabinet.

"I'm fine, just tired. H-How was I... asleep?" I ask, stuttering a little in fear of the answer.

"About one week," she answers, finally turning around. "It would've been longer but we transfused a lot of blood in your system to help you wake up sooner." She smiles at me and walk over to my bed, messing around with a bunch of wires that are connected to me.

I reply by nodding my head and sitting up a little, "Are my parents here?"

"No," she shakes her head. "They left a few hours ago to go to work, but your friends are here of you'd like to talk with them."

"Please," I answer in relief. I don't think I could handle sitting in here alone with nurses and doctors coming in and out and asking me all these questions.

She holds up a finger and walks towards the door, opening and closing it. The door, yet again, slams loudly, making my head pound against my skull and make the headache even worse. So much for slamming the door quietly.

Only seconds later, Mikey, Ray, Jessica and Danielle are walking through the door.

"Hey, man," Ray says, approaching me first. "So, uh..."

"I didn't do it," I reply back instantly. "It happened and there was nothing I did to cause it... as far as I know."

"Who else is there, Frank?!" Danielle shouts. "The Boogeyman?! No!"

I put a hand to my forehead and rub it as if it'll help the headache, "No, Danielle. No one was there physically. I'm fucking telling you that I don't do it and I don't know who did," I say this as calmly as I can so I don't cause more arguing and shouting.

"I don't understand you, Frank. For four years you've refused to wear anything but long sleeves and jeans, you won't take off your jacket and you get bruises randomly. I ask you what happened and you reply with 'I don't know' all the time. This is the only time I've caught on to what is happening and you better tell me the truth." Danielle takes the chair sitting next to the bed and sits on it, getting eye level with me.

"The truth is that I don't do this to myself," I say softly, almost a whisper.

"The truth is is that that's bullshit!" Jessica butts in.

A knock on the door interrupts our argument and then Donna is coming in, walking straight to Mikey. She whispers something in his ear and walks back out.

"Gee's awake, I should go and talk to him."

"Gerard? Why's he here?" I ask, utterly confused.

"He attempted suicide the same night you, I guess, did or didn't," Mikey answers and walks towards the door.

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