Chapter 18

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Okay, I'm doing a time skip of the whole week because I don't feel like putting a bunch of filler chapters in and make you guys wait for the date, alright?

Also a longer chapter, I think.



It's finally Friday and all I've done is freak out about the date. It took me four days just to decide what I'm going to do. ....And what I'm going to wear.

I'm going to be cheesy and take him to watch a movie. There's this movie theater a few town's over that is showing a few old horror movies, so I figured that'd be good. We're going to be watching Scream. I know, I know, I've seen it a million times, Gerard has probably seen it a million times, but what's the harm? If anything, we could sit in the back row and crack jokes about the movie the whole time. Then, after the movie, well, I haven't got there yet. I'm trying impress a twenty-two year old, how am I supposed to know what to do? I'm seventeen.

I'm driving home, trying to think of something, anything. Maybe we could just go on a walk? Kill time, get to know each other. Yeah, I think that's what we'll do. It's nothing creative or exquisite, but it's fun. I like getting to know people.

I arrive at my house and find, to my displeasure, that my parents are home. What am I going to do?

I get out and walk in, wondering why they are home. What happened to them having to work?

"Hey, Frankie, why aren't you at Mikey's house like you usually are?" Mom asks, walking up to me and placing a kiss on my cheek. When she turns around, I wipe off her lipstick with the sleeve of my blazer.

"Just came to change clothes," I half-lie. I am gonna change clothes, but I won't be hanging out with Mikey, but she doesn't have to know that.

"You don't do that any other day," she points out, looking at me skeptically.

"I, uh, I spilled something on my shirt during lunch and it's kinda sticky.." When will the questions stop?

"Where? Will it stain? Frank Anthony Iero, how many of these shirts will I have to replace before you will stop ruining them?" She crosses her arms and stares at me, giving me a stern look.

"Sorry, Mom," I say quickly and basically sprint up the stairs to avoid anymore questions.

I go to my closet and grab the outfit I have had picked out for three days. It's just simple skinny jeans and a button up black shirt. I'm wearing my converse with.

I change quickly, trying to save a little time to be able to talk with Mikey and Ray. I don't want to be like one of those people who spend all of their time with the person they like and none with their friends, I want to be able to hang out with Gerard and hang out with Mikey and Ray, kinda like what I've been doing the last week or so.

I make sure I look okay, I have the sleeves of my shirt rolled up about half way up my forearms and the top two buttons undone. The scars and stuff are on display, but it's not like anyone will see them, or care for that matter. We're going to a different town, they don't know me, so they can judge me all they want, they'll never see me again in their lives.

As I'm slipping my Converse on, I hear the slamming of the front door and the hum of a car engine. Are my parents leaving for work? Please be a yes, I don't want any questions about anything.

I grab my wallet, phone, and car keys and walk downstairs, being quiet just incase one of them is in their room.

I go out the door and to my car, happy that I can just leave already. I make sure my hair still looks nice, although I can't really do much with my short hair besides make sure it's not sticking up all over the place.

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