Chapter 17

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A wonderful idea by @catsandkevins091612. This chapter will be in Gerard's point of view. So, we'll go back to when the guys arrive and yeah. Enjoy the chapter ^-^



All I've done today is lay on my bed and stare at my desk where all my pencil sharpeners used to be. I actually didn't have any intentions of taking those apart, I used them for sharpening all my drawing pencils. Now I can't draw as detailed as I would like to, thanks to Frank. I mean, why does he even care? Nobody else does. For Christ sake, I'm the laughing stock of my college because I'm gay. That's why I just decided to drop and take internet courses.

I hear the doors of a car slam shut. I look at my door, hoping that Frank doesn't come in. I don't hate him, it'd just feel weird because he practically saw me naked this morning.

The cabinets in the kitchen are getting opened and closed, I can hear the crinkling of chip bags. I assume Ray and Frank are staying over tonight.

I know how they get during their 'sleepovers', so I turn my speakers on, blasting Green Day.

I sing along quietly and close my eyes, hoping I'll just fall asleep after a song or two.

After laying there for a minute, my stomach rumbles loudly, but I ignore it. I don't want to go down there. But it feels like my stomach is dying, I haven't eaten all day.

Dammit, I'll just go get some chips or something. I walk out of my room and to the stairs, wanting to be quiet so they don't notice me, but I notice the video game is either off or paused because it's quiet. Then Frank says, "Is he gay?" I walk a little farther down the stairs and stop on the last step.

"Gerard? I'm pretty sure," Mikey says. I blink a couple times and start to feel angry, why couldn't he just ask me? "Why? Are you-"

I can't help but cut Mikey off, "Why does it matter?" Both Mikey and Frank turn around to face me, "So you can make fun of me like everyone else?" I know I'm just assuming things, but that just pissed me off.

"No- wait. Why do you always think the worst of me? Do I come off as a bad person?" The truth is no, I just assume horrible things about people. I really do appreciate all the things he's done to help me, I just like to push people away. Ray walks in the living room and looks at us all, then shrugs and sits next to Mikey.

"I don't know," I answer, not wanting to say what I was thinking. I cross my arms and step off of the last stair, and settle for leaning against the wall.

"I'm not! Would you please give me a chance to show you that?" He basically yells at me. He looks surprised that he said it, and I am a little too. Did he just ask me out? My eyes widen a little, and I lose my stern posture, but regain it quickly.

I just look at him, feeling kind of nervous. I've never really been on a date before. Especially with a guy. All during high school I would swear up and down and to God that I was straight. I went on a date-like thing with a friend I had, we just went to watch a movie, then I drove her home and that was that. The next day we just acted like normal friends and I was fine with that.

I just keep looking at him, then tell him my answer, "Sure."

We both just stare at each other. Then he speaks, "Next Friday."

Then, I turn around, forgetting that I was hungry, and walk up the stairs. I have a date. A date with Frank Iero. This is so weird. He's seventeen and I'm twenty-two. Shouldn't I be taking him on the date? Wait. What if he's just fucking with me? Mikey told me Frank goes to a Catholic school. Aren't religious people supposed to be homophobic? Oh my Gosh.

I go in my room and sit on my bed. I hope he isn't screwing with me, because if he is I won't handle that well.

And if he isn't, will this turn out like in high school? One date, then back to normal? I hope not, Frank's really cute and I wouldn't mind having him as a boyfriend.

I lay down pull my comforter over my body. Then I hug my pillow and rest my head on it, fantasizing about how it'll go. Will we go to the movies? I hope not, I see Frank as more creative than just a movie date. I guess I don't really care what we do or where we go because I think the only thing that counts is that we enjoy ourselves and have a great time.

I sigh and close my eyes, letting black take over my vision.

I wake up and look out my window, seeing that it's dark. Then I check my phone, two a.m.

I walk downstairs, figuring it might be a good idea to eat something. Maybe I'll just steal some of their chips and a can of soda.

When I get down there, the tv is still on and someone is sitting on the couch. Whether they're awake or asleep is beyond me. So, I just go in the kitchen and look around. I find a bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos and some Dr. Pepper on the cabinet. The soda isn't even close to cold, so I grab a glass from the cabinet and open the freezer for some ice. I lift it up to toss some ice in but, with my luck, it falls and shatters on the ground.

"Shit!" I whisper-yell, bending over to get a few pieces out of my foot.

"Mm.." I hear the person on the couch mumble. "Gerard? What are you doing?" Frank asks through a deep yawn.

"I was getting something to drink, but I dropped the glass," I answer, doubting that he even stayed awake for the whole explanation. I stand back up and look over at the couch, he's still facing me, but his eyes are half open, I'm pretty sure he's going to fall asleep in like two seconds.

"Well.. That was.." He says, the rest coming out in inaudible mumbles. I've honestly never seen someone so tired before.

I smile a little and grab the broom and dust pan before I get any more pieces of glass stuck in my foot. I sweep it all into a small pile of pain and put it in the dust pan, making sure I got it all, then dump it in the trash and put everything away.

"Okay, let's try this again," I mumble to myself, grabbing another glass out of the cabinet and more ice. I successfully get the ice in without breaking the cup and pour the soda in, no damage done. I think I should seriously consider using plastic cups so I break all of the glass ones. This is not the first cup I have broken here.

"Can you get me s.. some so..da?" Frank asks, lifting his head up from its resting position.

"Sure, what kind?" I ask, opening the refrigerator.

"Whatever kind you got," he slurs.

I grab some Dr.Pepper and walk over to the couch. "Enjoy," I tell him, setting it by his leg, then walking away.

"Wait!" He half-yells. "Where are you going?"

"To my room," I say like it's obvious.

"Watch a movie with me," he says, lazily gesturing to the tv. I sigh and sit on the chair, grabbing the remote to flick through the channels. Why am I doing this? Nothing is going to be on at two in the morning, nothing good anyway.

"What movie?" I ask, walking to the the movie cabinet.

"Horror... Um... Oh! Saw!" He yells, seeming more awake than he was a few minutes ago.

And that's what we did, we watched Saw and fell asleep before it even ended. 


I know it isn't long and sorry if the last part was stupid, I was kind of winging it because if I stopped when Gerard first fell asleep, well, that'd be way too short.


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