Chapter 21

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This chapter is a little (or a lot idk) shorter, but it holds importance, so read and enjoy.


"Very attractive?" He laughs, looking truly humored. Does he really think he isn't attractive? I'll just have to try and change that, because I honestly think he's the most attractive person I've laid my eyes on, scars and all.

"Mhm," I answer, grabbing his hand again, giving it a light squeeze. "I know you think I'm lying to you, but I'm not. I think you're beautiful."

"I told you last night, only girls are beautiful and last time I checked, I have a dick," he replies. I can't help but laugh a little at the last part.

"And I also told you last night, not anymore because you're more beautiful than any girl," I tell him. He just furrows his eyebrows and looks away, pulling his hand out of my grip.

"I can't believe that," he says softly, getting up and walking to the other side of the kitchen. He leans against the counter and puts his head in his hands, looking like he's going to cry. "This isn't beautiful," he finally says, flipping over his arms

showing the scars and stitches. "You know that. You hide them too because you know it." He really is crying now and it's heart breaking. This is all because I called him attractive.

"I hide them because I have to," I say. He just shakes his head like it's impossible to believe. "I hide them because I don't want pity, Gerard."

"That's not all. I know it isn't." He crosses his arms and walks into the living room, just walking away like the conversation is over, but it isn't, it's far from over.

I get up and follow him, "You don't know what I think, Gerard. I'm telling you the truth, trust me."

"You hardly deserve my trust," he scoffs, turning around to face me. He has an irritated expression on his face. I get kinda pissed, too, this is not how this conversation was supposed to go. Not at all.

"Why not? Why can't you trust me?" I demand, crossing my arms too.

"Because I can't trust anyone," he replies simply. But the way he said it tells me that it's more than just trust issues, and I already knew that. He's been picked on and teased for a majority of his life, no wonder he finds it hard to trust people, he doesn't want to get close to someone only to have something terrible happen.

I uncross my arms and walk towards him, I rest my hands on his crossed arms and look right in his eyes, "I won't hurt you, Gerard." A few more tears slide down his cheeks and nods his head. "Please say yes," I beg.

He takes a deep, shaky breath and says, "I can't." I feel my eyes widen a little. He can't? Why not?

"You can," whisper at first. "Just please say yes." My voice is getting gradually louder.

He looks so frustrated, it's kinda cute, but that isn't the point. He looks like he's stuck between the two answers. Like he really wants to say yes, but he also wants to say no. I'm just hoping he says yes because if he didnt, well, making my daily visits would be awkward.

"I can't," he says again, looking defeated. He lets out a breath and slouches over, refusing to look at me.

"Why not?" He told me he likes me. He knows he wants to say yes! What is stopping him?

"Because, it's impossible to actually like me. You're just lying to yourself. I'm sorry, I jus-" I cut him off though, feeling my blood boil.

"I know what I feel, Gerard, you only say that because of what you be had drilled in your head since middle school, or whenever. That's what I'm here for. I want to show you that you can be loved, that you're  beautiful, that you're worth it, that I care, that you're capable of being cared for. Gerard, please, there's so much more than that and I just need you to say yes." By the end of the rant, I went from sounding angry to desperate. Desperate for him to understand, desperate for him to say yes.

"No, Frank, you could never love me. For God's sake, look at what I've done to you! I can't be with someone when all I think when I look at their body is that I put the scars there. Frank you can do so much better than me." He really wants me to stop liking him.

"Who will help you?" I ask in a quiet voice. "Who will be there when you want to cut, or when you get beat up? Who will be there comforting you when you want end it all. I can help you. Why won't you let me? I don't care that you've covered me in scars, I don't care that I almost died, I just care about you. Say yes, please, I'm literally about to start begging you." I think I already am begging, but if that is not considered begging, what I'll do if he says he can't one more time will definitely be begging.

"Do you like helping me? Do you like knowing that you're spending your time worrying about the man that can so easily kill you? Frank, why don't you hate me?"

"Do you like me?" I ask randomly, trying to get on with it. I'm tired of the back and forth, I want to know his definite answer.

"Yes," he answers.

"If you say yes, I can show you exactly why I don't hate you," I bargain.

"You can't bargain me into saying yes," he says stubbornly.

"But I'll keep trying until I get a definite answer from you," I reply. "Here's my last offer. I'm not trying to bargain, I'm just simply speaking. I can show you why you matter, why you need to be around, why you're great no matter what you think. I can help you with everything and I will never give up on you."

He looks me in the eyes and opens his mouth. "You promise?"

"I promise," I repeat, nodding my head.

"Okay, I'll be your boyfriend." A smile is placed on his lips and I know the same one is on mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and I hug him tight, promising silently that I will never let him down and I will never give up, no matter what.


Okay, so I like this chapter, I guess, and I'm excited. I have an ending all planned out and wee I know what I'm going to do! This should be about as long as my other stories.



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