Chapter 25

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Like the new cover? It looks a little morbid to me, but that's how I am, oopsies

so, I had school today(thursday). *laughs forever* it was boring


Mom made me drop off Gerard and come home immediately, she even followed me.

I walk in the front door and mom looks at me angrily, arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed together. "I don't know why you want to spend all your time with a boy who makes your body look so damaged." I guess that's better than calling it ugly.

"Mom, I like spending time with him, he's pretty cool and it's better than spending time here all the time. He's Mikey's brother and I just get along with them both. And he can't help that, you can't blame him for that, it's not like he caused it." She's actually blaming this on Gerard, she literally thinks it's Gerard's fault his wounds show up on me.

"Well, it wouldn't be like this if he was normal and went to a therapist or something for his depression. I mean," she lets out a dry laugh. "I mean, why would you hurt yourself to help your depression. Who does that?"

"Mom!" I shout, honestly hating her right now. Not only is she insulting Gerard, she's insulting all other self harmers and that is uncalled for. "You're a fucking monster! How could you say that about someone you don't even know?"

"Don't you swear at me! I wouldn't be saying this about him if he wasn't such a freak!" I lose it after that. I run upstairs and grab a bag and shove school clothes in it for tomorrow and all the other things I'll need. Then, I go downstairs and to the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" Mom asks, grabbing my arm and pulling me to a halt.

"I'm not staying here with you if all you're going to do is insult Gerard and act like you have every right to," I say and pull my arm out of her grip. I walk out and throw my bag in my car. I'm glad Gerard is my boyfriend, Mikey would've gotten tired of spending so much time with me.

I get it and flip my house off before starting my car and driving off.

I pull up to the curb and get out, tugging my bag along, slinging it over my shoulder.

I knock on the door and am met with Donna's smiling face, "Couldn't stay away, could you?" She asks, pulling me into a hug.

"That and my mom has developed a habit of pissing me off lately," I mutter in her shoulder.

"What happened?" She asks, pulling me inside and into the kitchen where she is already making dinner. That's a little early, but food is food.

"She doesn't approve of me being 'friends' with Gerard," I say, putting air quotes around 'friends'.

"What's with the air quotes?" She asks suspiciously.

"We're dating," I say bluntly. "Either way, she thinks Gerard is going to bring me down, she hates how he scars up my body, she basically hates everything about him and started completely bashing him and it pisses me off. She said things wouldn't be this way if he was normal and oh my Gosh, she needs to shut the fuck up. She started making fun of everyone who self harms and I just wanted to punch her." I am breathing heavily from my rant.

She squints her eyes and makes a face that looks like she's about to commit homicide. "Does she realize how rude she was being?"

"To her, nothing she does is rude. She literally always thinks she's right. I want to just tell her how wrong she is."

"I think she should be a little more mature about the situation before I get involved," Donna mutters angrily. She has every right to be mad, I mean, that's her son.

"Hey, mom," Mikey shouts, making his way down the stairs. "Can you t- hey, Frank, what are you doing here?"

"My mom decided that she would talk shit on Gerard and I got pissed, so I refuse to spend my time around someone who can't accept people for who they are and came to the only place that accepts me," I explain quickly. He nods and gives me a we'll talk about this later look. Of course, I have to explain it again, and then I'm going to tell Gerard because he has every right to know.

I place my hand on the strap of my bag, keeping it in place on my shoulder, and make it for the stairs. "I'm going to go get Gerard real quick so I can explain all this in one go and then we can all decide on how pissed we are afterwards, okay?" Then I jog up the stairs and knock on Gerard's door.

"Come in," Gerard sighs.

I walk in and walk over to him, placing my bag on the floor and grabbing his hand. "Don't even ask. Come with me and you'll find out," I say, avoiding the whole why are you here? conversation.

He gets up and follows me, staying quiet and not asking like I said. We make it downstairs and in the kitchen where Mikey and Donna still are.

"Okay, so I'm staying here tonight because my mom is being a grade A dick and thinks it's okay to start talking lowly aboit Gerard because he isn't her definition of normal. Okay?" I say, not really wanting to say more because I know that me just saying that has already upset Gerard.

"What'd she say?" Mikey asks, his hands balled into fists on the counter.

I sigh and send Gerard an apologetic look, "She said he was a freak, and she was actually blaming him for the whole, you know, freaky-weird his injuries to my body thing. She said that it wouldn't be this way if," I pause and look at Gerard. He's ready upset, so I take his hand give it a light squeeze. "She said it wouldn't be this way if he would've just went to a therapist like 'normal person' instead of you know." I finish and give Gerard a little hug, still holding his hand when I pull away.

"You're mom.. Oh my god, I'm going to kill her. She can't say that," Mikey says, gritting his teeth and clenching his already balled up fists.

"Yeah she can, Mikes. It's not like she's lying," Gerard says, looking down and stuffing his feet along the tile.

"She is lying, Gerard. You aren't a freak, it isn't your fault." I try to hug him but he side-steps and walks away. Thanks Mom you freaking bitch.

"Okay, I'm gonna go try to cheer him up. Upset Gerard is not good," I say quickly and go for the stairs to head up to Gerard's room.


Shorter, but oh well.

ily guys


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